
I think there's something to that, actually - like he's maybe more comfortable at home so he lets his inner beast out? I'm not a child psych pro, so I'm just speculating. Hopefully it's a phase he grows out of, soon! Love the "Hungry Box" idea, btw, might be stealing that if she ever shows an attachment to

I feel you, especially the last part. I'm not going to lie and say I don't struggle with a lot of the same stuff. But I'm not going to get all bent out of shape over having my moments. Kids are resilient and *I* know they know they are extraordinarily loved.

I had to do the 123 count in a supermarket last week, and my kids thought I wouldn't follow through (not sure why, they've been around long enough!) so for the last week they haven't been allowed the playstation, TV or the tablet/laptop. Consequences yo! I saw a meme lately about not taking away their electronics but

You're not a parent though... and kids tend to respond much better to discipline from people that are not their parents. No matter how rational I am, I'm not gonna convince my exhausted 5-year-old that he does not need to sit on a stack of 5 chairs at lunch to be happy with logic. He isn't smarter than I think. He's

I don't think you need to be calling parents, "idiots." There's a big difference between being an aunt/uncle and being a parent. If you are not a parent, you really have no idea. Just because you tried that once with your nephew and it worked with him in that instance doesn't mean it will work with every other kid in

18 months to age 4 can be like pure hell - but your method of withdrawing attention is ideal! It's not always the easiest method, but its pretty damn effective if you can be consistent.

Yes. Basically the way I've tried to look at it is this: My daughter is the world's worst troll. If I get angry, then she wins!

I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.

We're gonna need a bigger cross.

Not a disaster story, but a tip for any of you who might be mailing out invitations at some point: Assign each household a number and put it on the back of the RSVP card. Some people don't remember to put their own names on the card, or the names are illegible. It also gives you a simple way to sort them so you can

My fiance and I were living overseas, and so after (painstakingly) designing, editing and addressing our invites, we couriered them to our respective mothers to mail in-country. Our invites were for a small local cocktail celebration in our hometowns after we were legally married overseas. About a year after the fact,

The invitations to my November 2001 wedding were mailed on September 10, 2001. The wedding venue? Windows on the World.

Victor Hugo 'for' The Knot? Did they dig up the man and commission a quote from him just for this purpose?

I obviously need this. I will wear a Star Trek uniform and pose in front of a Tardis. Someone encourage me.


When I was in 2nd grade, my class made gingerbread cookies. The teachers orchestrated an elaborate ruse where they pretended the gingerbread cookies ran away. They left flour trails around the school, and wrote messages from the gingerbread cookies with chalk. Messages like "Run run as fast as you can, can't catch

When my dad was driving my brother, his friend and me home from school when I was in kindergarten, his friend was talking about how his class was having a Thanksgiving play. I thought to myself, "I want to be in a Thanksgiving play", so I chimed in that my class was having one too! I said that there were so many

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.