

Nazi Punks Fuck Off? That’s a classic Dead Kennedys song. Don’t just look up the lyrics. Go get everything they have ever done. Their entire discography is all going to be way too familiar and relevant.

she did change her mind like ten minutes later. Gotta give credit when credit is due

Here’s the deal: either punching literal Nazis in the face is morally acceptable, or America has to stop jerking itself off over WWII.

When I think of someone who wears a disguise and beats up the dregs of society, Batman has conditioned me to assume that person is actually a billionaire.

So your Spencer-puncher is most likely Donald J Trump.

I have been watching the various incarnations of the nazi punch pretty much non-stop for the past day or so and they still have yet to get old. Personal fave:

Sorry. We’ve fought nazis in WWII. I have no remorse for a nazi getting punched in the face. They want to kill us. They want white male supremacy. I don’t have time for that kind of bullshit rhetoric and neither should you. Sometimes you have to fight. That kind of evil needs to be stomped out by any means

It’s also perfect that he was punched the precise moment he showed off his Pepe pin. It’s like the antifa heard our prayers.

While that is reassuring, this new US leadership is unlike any other. It seems their primary goal is to dismantle or renegotiate any sort of partnership or involvement on the international stage. There is zero acknowledgement of many carefully crafted agreements and how they provide a structure within which the world

I can recommend this. I called my legislators three times this week. It felt good. Apparently phone calls make more of an impression than paper letters (and obviously much more than emails).

Yeah, there was no way Trump was going to become President.

You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up

While this certainly fits with the nationalist tone of our new administation, I just want to be “that guy” and point out that this exact same bill has been introduced to every new Congress for the last 20 years. We all need to be alert, but this may not be the harbinger of doom that it appears to be at first glance.

This I like! Love floral/botanical prints. And I do really like the cut of it.

I think the lines of that poofy skirt in the first pic are really nicely done. It looks quite sharp considering it’s made out of such a light fabric. I dunno WTF is going on with the top half of the dress, though.

I’m not much into florals but that is stunning.

I would counter that the more depressing reality is, the more people want an escape into fantasy. So excuse me while I wear a pink ballgown eating baked beans in my bomb shelter.

I’ll add that the third style can be found at any flea market or boardwalk stall for about $19. There’s some aging hippie chick beading and feathering her fingers to the bone saying, “What the fuck, man, I’ve been making that top since 1979.”