
“And he looks like he has a big dick fr fr.”

Its the way he inhabits his body. A character even mentioned it in Girls. He has a great body, and he occupies it in a way I haven’t seen other people do. I can’t really describe it, but if you watch him act you can see he’s just much more aware of his physical self and using it then just about anyone else I’ve

The first time I saw him on Girls I had that cliched, “This kid is going to be a **STAR**!!” reaction.

My initial thought was that “becuase he has a huge dick” as if I somehow knew it to be fact?

I can see how people would think he’s attractive- he’s tall, well built, in shape, has good proportions, a strong jawline, he has great hair. But he’s not classically attractive in the Calvin Klein model way. He’s realistically attractive- that’s what normal people look like. Like, it’s the same thing with Allison

As a straight guy, my own subjective guess is that that he manages to combine some of the iconic qualities of a starving artist/hipster type with also appearing to be “solid” enough to not blow away in a stiff breeze.

I think it’s his stature/physique. I don’t know how to word it — if he were a woman I’d say he had a nice figure. And he looks like he has a big dick fr fr.

GRR ARRGG why must celebrities turn everything into politics who cares what they think this is an awards ceremony not the time or place to talk politics GRR ARRGG

But libruls are the “special snowflakes”

All the conservative butthurt over the GGs this morning is delicious. It’s not much, but I’ll take it.


Ugh, I hate the term “Latinx”. It makes me think of a Roman soldier in Spanx. Can’t we go for “Hispanic?” Or better yet, individual ethnic groups. Because as a Puerto Rican, tacos aren’t part of my culture. Oh, they are still delicious. But me ordering them is no different from any other person out there ordering

“’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”

There’s just no way you can connect something that happened seven days ago to this game today...

My winner.

Tim Gunn writes in one of his books that CS was one of the nicest and most talented designers on PR. High praise indeed!

OMG you’re kidding. She used her status as a woman abuser’s girlfriend to get a job on E?

Christian Siriano annoyed the shit out of me on his season, but I like him now. (That season was ages ago, so I think part of it is that he’s just grown up.) He really puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to dressing a diverse crop of women.

It is a nice dress, but like I said, I barely even notice is because I can’t take my eyes off her face and her expression of, “I am FLAWLESS right now!”

Can we talk about how Siriano is slaying it when it comes to curvy diva dresses?! I need one in my life.