
Pics like that of Yvette Nicole Brown make me so happy, because the first thing I notice isn’t the dress, but how much the woman in it is CLEARLY feeling herself. I love photos that capture those unfortunately all-too-rare moments when a woman feels FLAWLESS.

Why the eff is Karreuche Tran anywhere near a red carpet (also her dress is ugly and should have been hemmed). If Lena Dunham is there, please don’t report on her.

He said it was because she had been flirting hard with him and he could tell she really liked him

When my husband and I first met, he had in a drawer a feather boa that he was given by one of the dancers at a strip club years prior. I asked why on earth he still kept it. He said it was because she had been flirting hard with him and he could tell she really liked him and that was why she gave him her feather boa.

Yeah, I totally agree. I can’t get attracted to someone who is grinding his dick on customer #25 at 2 am; it’s just so unnatural and forced to me.

I’m attracted to the same type of man she is, and “twinks” don’t fit that bill to me. I don’t want a young guy that looks like a teen boy, which is too often the case. I want a man, just one that isn’t cartoonishly built.

Regardless of tats and tans, I would feel silly because I know the guy’s just doing a job, and I would seem foolish “falling” for it. I’m perfectly willing to stuff the G string, don’t get me wrong, but it’s such a difference between men and women: women seem to get that it’s a show, while men truly think the

I mean I’m sure there are women who do that but I was a shooter girl and bartender in two strip clubs and *not once* saw any other group than the giggling, bachelorette party type. I don’t think it’s because women aren’t naturally attracted to a man dancing/seducing her, it’s that the male strippers are the tribal

I knew a dude who frequented lesbian bars in the hope of meeting some 24-28 year old woman “coming down” from her young adult or college “lesbian phase.” He figured if they were about to turn 30 they might actually be legitimately attracted to women, I guess.

One of my sisters was hit on by a guy, who was not one of the strippers, at a male strip club. I’m guessing he went there looking to hook up with women from bachelorette parties.  

If anyone calls do not talk about any women’s health issues because they do not give a flying fuck about any of those. Instead ask why he wants to INCREASE abortions by shutting down Planned Parenthood.

I sort of want to quote Lindy West at him:

YES - this is exactly what we did in Indiana when Pence pushed through the abortion bill that required women who had abortions or miscarriages to pay for funeral services (which was thankfully struck down by the courts). Eventually we even sent the then-Governor’s office coloring book pictures of vaginas. It was

I just want to talk about all its graphic detail. The word “vaginal” will probably cause some serious pearl clutching; but adding discharge to it will cause a stroke! He needs to know in excruciating detail everything about the female reproductive system. Like vaginal discharge and periods shits!

I would like him to know about my most hated part of menstruation...when you think that is is done, so you stop using pantyliners and tampons, only for your uterus to have one last bit of uterine lining to push out 2 days later. Another pair of underpants bites the dust.

I’d love to describe to him, in detail, the consistency, color, odor of my clots. Absolutely.

So we’re all gonna call Toomey’s office to teach them what graphic descriptions of the menstrual cycle are like, right?

She's beautiful, maybe you're just secretly jealous.

There is real porn on the internet.

She's a 26 year old woman.