
Hard to believe Bob’s Burgers has been on for ten years.

As the article notes, designer breeding can often lead to exacerbated hereditary issues. Add to that the fact that there are many, many, many strays and mutts in shelters, as well as the reality that many designer breeds come from harsh puppy mills, and I can see how people are bothered that someone would pay

Ah, the fake kneel. That’s the move elderly or overweight Catholics do at church where they just scoot their ass a little closer to the edge of the pew so they don’t have to struggle to get back up.

My personal favourite.

I’m picturing a one panel comic of this, where all the characters are cows.

As someone who got a token Far Side desk calendar every Christmas for several years, I’d really need some time to come up with an all-time favorite, but one that always stuck out to me:

My all-time favorite: two explorers find the journal of a colleague whose tattered remains are all around, with the last entry saying that tomorrow he’s going to test how gorillas react to a joy buzzer.

... you seem to have only read the headline indeed.

I’m convinced that if we can somehow trick Ansel into saying his name backwards, we can send him back to the dimension from which he came.

Just like the cast list for Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

Take that, you stupid corn.

A “faithful take” on Dickens would require dozens of hours and need to perfectly replicate the feeling of being trapped in a miserableist literary world where the author is paid by the word and milking every penny of it. “Saw” as written by the New York Review of Books would about cover it.

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

Tagline: Watch as the Robot Lady pulls 4 humans into her void - repeatedly!

Thank you thank you thank you. I was coming here to say the same thing about Mad Magazine. That parody is the only good reason for the movie to exist.

Hey all. Just wanted to drop in here and give a very sincere thank you to everyone who’s read the piece and everyone who’s commented below. I had to kind of talk myself into writing this, for a number of reasons, but I’m glad I did, and I’m deeply moved by the responses here—by those of you sharing your own

Just for clarification, bread is a process food. So is steeped tea, coffee, cheese, guacamole, and anything you cut, chop, blanch, bake, add spices to, or anything else. Unless you’re eating a raw apple or something, you’re eating a processed food.

I’m so happy to see I’m not the only one who does this with the addition of a bottle of wine and one or more cats sprawled out across my lap. My go to recording is the Eugene Ormandy / Philadelphia Orchestra because I think the piece flows best as a suite and I love that big Philadelphia sound (not to mention that

And Chewbacca is just Sundance after he really let the mustache go.