
Some folks’ll never shoot a TOW, but then again some folk’ll

Strikes were designed and used to improve working conditions and wages and benefits. It has worked this way for years. Now, all of a sudden, they have become a political tool.

The fact that in your country a 12 year old is given guns as a birthday present is very disturbing


I believe she’s actually of Kurdish descent.

I re-watched Three Kings recently, and thought that one of the Kuwaiti villagers being rescued looked an awful lot like a young Alia Shawkat. (It was her.)

But I ended up dating a plastic bag for 3 years because of that movie!

“Cartoon causes fascism”. I swear this is just as bad as the “video games cause gun violence” argument. And then capping it off with “likely unintentionally.”

he was NEVER popular.

Haven’t seen it, but does this mean the cameo by Bleeding Gums Murphy was also cut?!

Oh, really? Where did you go to flim school?!

Like when Stephanie went from taking Miss Taylor for first period but then changed it so she has a free period, and now you don’t know who to sit next to anymore.

Glad I could help.

Marketing research found the original tagline “Where’s Your God Now?” didn’t test well.

“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”

I swear that bear is yelling, “I SHOULD NOT BE!”

How about a guy in an Eagles cover band that fights crime with his expensive train set called ‘Take It To the Limit’?

Good luck to Jake Gyllenhaal.

If they were clever filmmakers under attack for representation could claim that all movies have invisible women in them. 

And regarding Citizen Kane, I’ve harbored some doubts over the story of the camera negative being lost in a fire. There are varying reports, some say the fire was in New Jersey in the 70s, others that Orson Welles himself had the camera negative, and lost it in a fire at his home in Spain.

Crab people, Crab people. Taste like crab, talk like people.