
I’m such a wimp it’d be quicker to list the films that haven’t made me jump.

Hurdy-Gurdy Man freaks me out now, thanks Fincher!

‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’ was not the sequel to ‘The Taking of Pelham 123' that I was expecting.

“Mr Abrams, you can have this film script that’s been meticulously crafted by the finest screenwriters in history, or you can trade it all for what’s in this box.”
“The box! The box!”

My family still mocks me mercilessly for being scared by the Unsolved Mysteries theme song as a child. We should start a support group.

You certainly don’t want to mention it to the local sheriff, who would never believe that crazy stuff.

I hate her so much. If she has to be present, can we at least get the catharsis of seeing the smug look wiped off her face?

What I remember most about The Sound of Music is watching it on either VHS or DVD and having to fast forward through the half-hour intermission that they’d decided needed to be preserved for the home video market.

For a bit of extra tragedy to Trish’s arc, go back and watch the last part of Season 1, where Jessica tells her she loves her before snapping Killgrave’s neck. Poor Jessica, she gave (and gave up) so much for Trish but couldn’t save Patsy from herself.

Probably. For awhile there it felt like every thriller/crime novel had to have a cover that looked like Gone Girl’s. I think it’s the publishing world’s equivalent of mockbusters, hoping people will buy anything that looks sort of like the thing they actually want if they squint and don’t, you know, actually read any

Ritter did a phenomenal job as Jessica trying to be the strong one for Trish and not letting herself grieve, but have it spill out from time to time.

If you’ve learnt anything from this weekend, it should be that alcohol fixes all brain troubles. Consult Dr Beam.

So Trish has been unmasked as the vigilante the cops want to interview? Damn, and she just lost her publicist!

On the other hand, I think we can pretty definitively say that this version of Jessica Jones can also fly, and presumably also hates to do so. Unfortunately, I think Marvel’s movie-TV synergy came too late for us to have the scene where teenaged Jess is pulled out of a lake by Thor after failing at landing, and

C’mon, you know that’s not how the internet works.

I liked that Jess thanked Trish for saving her. The trope is to have her chew Trish out for letting Sallinger get away, I’m glad they didn’t go there because that would have been so, so stupid.

As above, he was worried it was one of ‘his’ hands. He knew Jessica was outside, but believed she was alone and that he could escape his apartment unseen while the cops distracted her. He didn’t know Trish was watching him, because he didn’t know she existed. It was explicitly stated several times that he did not know

I can’t tell if Sallinger lured Jessica into the water tank in order to trap her there (was that supposed to be some kind of poison falling from the ceiling?) or whether she accidentally trapped herself in there and was just running out of air.

An empath who is burnt out from having to feel all the bad shit people do is so on point for Jessica Jones I’m surprised it’s taken this long for someone to add one.

Also that’s Definitive Sherlock Holmes actor Jeremy Bret singing ‘On the Street Where You Live’/Freddy-ing.