
Charade is the greatest Hitchcock film that Hitchcock never made. You can tell he didn’t make it because he would never have cast Audrey Hepburn, who wasn’t blonde. And given his reputation for mistreating his leading ladies, that’s probably a good thing. Hepburn lived through Nazi occupation, she didn’t need that

Was Ruiz fighting for a sandwich?

DC’s attempt to build a cinematic universe.

I will never forgive Britain for Gogglebox.

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m upset that this got made before Locke & Key. On the other, I’m glad Locke & Key didn’t get an adaptation as bad as this one looks.

I think this season has suffered from a lack of a strong season plot. The first season had one: find Villanelle. This season we got: find who killed old man Peel, oh it was the Ghost, find the Ghost, we got her and she was hired by young man Peel, stop young man Peel. I recognise that an undercurrent of the story was

*sigh* Can’t believe no one’s posted this, what’s this comments section coming to?

Totally called that threesome last week.

Tired perhaps, but absolutely on point as about the only thing a Russian gangster would try to keep hidden at all costs. Criminal gangs in general aren’t exactly known for being LGBTI-friendly and neither is Eastern Europe. Combine the two and you get a strong motivation for hiding your fondness for sleeping with

I actually enjoyed this episode more. Villanelle was much harder to control than last episode, and it was entertaining to see her try to maintain a character for much longer than she usually has had to when we know how quickly she gets bored and (now) how little work she puts into it beforehand.

I think she was asking him what meat was on the skewer.

Count me among the people who found Nico’s exit entirely logical. He realised what Eve wanted was danger, tried to provide it, and found that it wasn’t something he was comfortable sustaining. He doesn’t want to even pretend to be a potentially violent man with a woman he loves, he just wants to love her. And if she

She’s a creature of impulse. She was bored, so she followed them, realised she could freak them out (and did) and then inserted herself into their lives to play another character (and probably try for a threesome).

I’m sure she’d be upset if he was murdered, but is probably too self-absorbed by this point to even notice that she has put him in danger.

The way Brexit’s going, the British talents of the right aren’t going anywhere either.

Oh thank god, I’m not the only one who spent the 90s confusing them.

I think that was the joke. Jimmy Jr’s target is to run it in under 9 minutes. These are not kids who run or a school that takes sports seriously.

Pokemon Blue. I was just a naive young kid from Pallet Town, didn’t even know enough not to go into the long grass without a Pokemon. By the end, I was the very best, like no one ever was. As my team had grown into an unstoppable killing machine, so had I grown into a Champion.

The history of video game movies is sadly lacking in films with coherent plots, compelling characters, and scripts that feature lines that actual humans would say.

“Oh crap! I forgot my hardhat!”
“Why would you need a hardhat?”
“Because I’m about to demolish you.”