
If they were smart, they wouldn’t be making ‘live-action Rugrats movie’.

I actually missed the next few lines of dialogue because I was busy yelling it at the TV and then high-fiving myself.

Villanelle writing ‘HELP!’ on the car window was brilliantly funny.

“She’s a parasite, Eve.”

An almost criminal lack of Archer season 2: Stage 2, Placebo Effect, El Secuestro

Well this is definitely the last film I would have thought might be impacted by competing corporate product-placements and endorsements.

He liked both, but he hated the people who were ordering soft serve and who wanted things like non-fat ice cream or for the ice cream to be swirled. The savages.

Makes sense he’d be into the occult, really. Why stop at aliens when you’ve read the X-Files?

Don’t forget the two literal angels she terrified into converting to Satanism, then burnt to death, while wearing something that was supposed to stop her casting any spells.

*a trectumvirate.

Waitaminute, someone cast Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor? Who the hell saw that and thought “yeah she’s perfect for that”?!

I’m assuming they want people to watch the whole show, not switch off and spend the next month hiding in the corner of a very brightly lit, very secure room full of puppies and kittens the first time they see a wall.

I can’t resist, I’m like a moth to a flame.

So Genisys, Pet Sematary, what other movies with titles that needed a spellcheck can he be in next? A remake of The Pursuit of Happyness?

And possibly to avoid having to find a way to work Egg Fu into it.

If your wife doesn’t get drunk, she just has fun, you’re probably married to Linda Belcher.

All right, all right, I admit it! I shouldn’t have been admitted to Felicity Huffman’s Booty Academy!

That one will never be topped.

Hey anonymous benefactor? I have $41k in student debts and haven’t been running a sex cult for the last 20 years. Hint hint.

And of course, the ever controversial Who’s On First.