
Well he’s got to get the money to keep him in wine somewhere.

If the main requirement for Gretchen’s date was “won’t get drunk at the wedding”, I don’t think Linda was actually the ideal date.

I think we’re supposed to feel angry that the violence inflicted upon her was not treated with the same level of seriousness as the violence inflicted by her, and understand that one led to the other.

Why is Conan O’Brien wearing that bad wig and doing this?

This is even more embarrassing than the time they had that dog announce the nominees and he lost the envelope with the names and just made them all up.

“I had no clue what was going on”

The last thing any of us want to do is sign up for yet another in the seemingly endless proliferation of subscription streaming services. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Shudder, Crackle, Vue, Tribeca Shortlist—the list quickly grows unwieldy, and massively expensive

So has the nature of Rumour’s power been changed (possibly due to budgetary reasons, those giant, animate John Wilkes Booth statues can’t be cheap) or is it going to be another ‘mystery’ for the show to reveal?

[Blank]?! Well la-di-da, Mr Frenchman.

Surely someone on the internet has the photoshop skills to swap him into the screenshot.

I assumed that the kids came along because Bob and Linda were so angry at each other that they didn’t want to have to be alone with each other on the date.

You never want to date a guy with a case of pubpenis.

I keep seeing stories about Groundhog Day, it’s like I’m trapped in some sort of recurring thingamie, can’t think of an appropriate analogy.

But he seems like such an upstanding citizen!

As another Australian (high five!) I too had no problems with the jokes - plus I’m pretty sure I was once in a bad hotel that did have a framed photo of a koala as part of the decor - but found the accents difficult. But I loved Simone despite her accent, so I’m glad to see her back.

Titus touching the Frumpenis was both horrifying and hilarious.

Eh, he’d first have to wait for several years to pass and then apply to a court to have him legally declared dead. That seems too... organised for Donkey Doug. Plus he doesn’t know Jason’s dead. 

That door window (windoor?) Eleanor threw a lamp at was just a laminated picture of stained glass, right?


And they’re out of the greys, so we know that they post here a lot, which is probably why Google suggested the review, besides it being a film they’ve a personal connection to and spent Christmas searching the reviews online because there was no pre-release screening.