
The knitmare with the Knitcracker is the most accurate portrayal of the knitting process ever created.


Not quite. It was actually a depiction of Jesus praying at the garden of Gethsemane.

*Superman reflects on how hard it is to be a hero while standing in front of a depiction of the crucifixion of Christ*

I like how, even though it was an iguana, it was always just referred to as ‘a lizard’.

Now you guys better leave because the second I finish posting this comment they start filming a porno in it.


We’ll always have Boxing Day <3

Probably the international art afficianado set there to see Kamilah’s latest exhibit.

I bought and played Dead Space and Bioshock together. Dead Space had me, sitting alone in the most isolated room of the house late at night, terrified while I was playing it. Inching forward, jumping at every noise, hesitating before opening any door (squinting to try and read the transcripts on my then standard-def

The Satanists have used all of their dark arts to summon the purest evil on Earth: intellectual property lawyers.

“His name is Martin I need my keys back and he’s a puppyyyyyyy!”

I’ve read it about ten times now and still don’t get it.

My personal favourite “why are we doing this, this is Australia” American holiday catching on is Thanksgiving, which women are forcing their family through so they can share pictures of it on Pinterest, which is where they learnt about it anyway.

You want to know something spooky? 36 hours ago I randomly thought of the lyrics to this song and racked my brain trying to remember what pop culture it came from. Where was this oral history then, huh? Huh?!

Now playing

Don’t be frightened by the look in my eye, I’m just your average evil meteor from outta the sky.

‘Bludger’ is a bit more harsh than ‘slacker’, c’mon. But let’s make a pact to start working ‘fazzo’ into the lexicon.

He won’t because then she’ll know the truth and nothing good she does will count towards the afterlife, like for them.

Australia Watch:
+ That’s Australian money and, judging by the design of the $10 note in Eleanor’s hand, fairly recent too. Unfortunately, there was at least one $100 note in that wallet so the man must secretly be a crime boss because they have all the $100s in Australia. Seriously.

They spend the afterlife helping people on Earth get into The Good Place. IT’S A TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL PREQUELBOOT. Bam! Final twist.