
$10 000? That’s ridiculous. I offer the same service for only $9 999 and 100 cents. Now that’s value for money.

“I can’t divorce you, God forbids it.”
“And what does God say about adultery?”
“Don’t know, not up to that part of the Bible yet. No spoilers!”

‘Magician Feuds Matter’ [Wire services]

Best joke was the old Brother sloooooooowly crossing the screen in the sped-up locker-footage.

That and people are still working through the show.

In retrospect, I can’t believe I didn’t see that #TimesUp bit coming.

Regardless of how it turns out, I’m glad PC got that moment of happiness at the end. She’s earned it.

decked out in a Guys And Dolls-style suit

I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I was so terrified going in but this didn’t hit me as hard as other episode-11-of-Bojack-Horsemans (Horsemen?). Don’t get me wrong, it was still a great episode. In terms of emotional devastation I’d have it above ‘Downer Ending’ but below all the others.

I am too scared to watch episode 11 right now. I’m going to need to assemble a fortress of warmth and comforts first. There will be hot chocolate.

Haven’t you heard of nominative determinism? He’s like that because his name is Solo!

I knew Solo wasn’t going to be any good when I got to the scene where Han gets a meaningful backstory for the name ‘Solo’. IT COULDN’T JUST BE HIS FUCKING NAME, IT HAD TO HAVE A BACKSTORY. I think I missed the next 15 minutes of the movie out of sheer rage. the blame it’s taken for apparently killing off many of Disney’s more elaborate Star Wars spin-off movie plans.

That closing joke may be the greatest closing joke in the history of closing jokes. 

Now playing

Moving on to other shows with Rebecca Sugar songs:

A review of a TV episode about feminism in Hollywood? On the internet? I look forward to reading the insightful and respectful comments section!

More geographically inaccurate (and dangerous if the IRA are around). Britain and Ireland are two separate islands. Britain has England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland has Ireland (duh) and Northern Ireland (contentious!).

You just know that asshole eagle had a long-term partner waiting for him at home who had no idea what he was doing in his spare hours in Vietnam.

Any flak copped over Brie playing Diane is balanced out by teaching the (non-Vietnamese part of the) world how to pronounce ‘Nguyen’.

Rachel Bloom, but she wasn’t even fucking nominated.