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Mine’s the same, only instead of lapping it midair he sticks his nose in the stream and laps the drops that spray out.

Needs more Dark City.

But I already have her mentally cast as Lana in my live-action Archer movie in a world where Aisha Tyler can’t just do it.

So you’re saying they got physical, physical?

WE COULD HAVE HAD ANGELA BASSETT AS STORM?! Damn you budget constraints!

Emmy snubs: worse than getting hit with a log?

“Embassytown” by China Mieville is great, although like all of his books he doesn’t break the reality of the world by having the narrator stop and explain things for the audience that would be obvious to the characters (slang, for example) - it always takes me about 100 pages to be confident I know what’s happening in

I always knew those eyebrows weren’t human.

*gasp* “A Simpsons list on the internet!”
“Aww, we don’t need to read that.”
“Oh yes we do.”

I see that witch doctor finally found their Terry Gilliam doll that they misplaced long enough for him to make the movie.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge would write a really good Joker, if Warner Bros are still looking for a script.

And now I know to read all the comments before replying to the review.

It’s a storyline about sexual harassment that doesn’t really say anything about sexual harassment and, to put it bluntly, it’s not the right time for that.

“Oh so now they’re keeping us out of prisons we built?”

I was watching the dead monkey bit hoping that another older monkey, maybe with a scarred eye and black fur, was going to come along and scare the younger monkey into a life of exile.

The ads for this left me with the feeling that the series was trying a little too hard to be A Show That Says Something About Sexuality and Femininity and would be as subtle as a sledgehammer as a result (ironic given the vague and ethereal nature of the source material). This review seems to confirm that. As a

I haven’t seen it since my parents, for some reason, let me watch it when I was 7. I trace my bone-deep fear of the bush to that film.

Bingo. Deadpool was created by Liefeld, but the Deadpool that everyone knows and loves (and is in the movies) was created by Joe Kelly.

I have good (fictional) money on Krieger being somewhere in the middle of that jungle experimenting on the animals after having previously created a talking bird.