
“Our Burobu cards! ... and they’ve got bra on them.”

I unironically loved that Burobu theme song.


I didn’t learn how to ride a bike until I was 16 and had to go on a biology field trip that included riding around a 21km2 island and not riding one was not an option, nor was not attending the field trip (should have claimed I had a disability and threatened to sue, that always works). I learnt how to wobble forward


Tough choice between “God Cop” and “Homophone” for me.

Dreadfully lacking in Blackadder III.

Tina’s going to explode when she remembers that horses also like to roll in the sand and adds one to her sugar cookies fantasy.

I think my favourite part is the regular switching between the two angles they used to make this ad.

One of my greatest successes in life, alongside that Particpation ribbon I got in Year 5, is having got a friend into Menomena. I believe the three songs I used were Weird, Strongest Man in the World and Air Aid.

Missed opportunity to work ‘botulism poisoning’ into the title.

Anyone who needs a sense of narrative completion would be advised to steer clear of Adam Reed shows. He can lose interest in things quite quickly.

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I’m happy for this cast and these basic character dynamics to play out in whatever genre piece Adam Reed is currently into from now until the heat death of the universe.

I watched the movie on TV one night on a whim, knowing nothing about it, and that freaking scene left me traumatised for a week afterwards.

I wasn’t feeling it, but then we got Hermit the Fraud. A-grade pun.

If you don’t have the trunks, and he’s just wearing blue spandex, then you either have to show a bulge or else distort the costume in some way to avoid doing so.

né Leaf

Some quality labrador animation on Lars.

He’s berating angels now.

Wasn’t it Catherine Zeta Jones who dodged lasers with Sean Connery, not JLo? FOR SHAME, GENE BELCHER, FOR SHAME.