Kid Ichorous

You neglected to change "millions" to "hundreds."

Having to patiently indulge a fuckboy is a tedious burden—not an opportunity. As is, he was shown more patience than he deserved. Frankly, she's so far out of his league that there being any romantic potential there to begin with beggared belief. He blew the opportunity.

Irony being that the self-styled badass troll online persona is just as precious as those other online personas. Trite mockery is a shabby basis for feelings of supposed intellectual superiority, and the entire trolling endeavor smacks of puerility and desperation. Trolls mostly just come across as insecure, inferior,

I get snarking at bad crowdfunding pitches, but the apparent wealth of the person with the idea is pretty irrelevant; people either want what they have to offer or they don't, and they're either willing to pay for it up-front or they aren't. Crowdfunding is not free money for nobodies—it's a funding strategy whereby

Eddie Murphy? Naw.

Yeah, the host is a garbage person who seems to have a lot in common with the "monsters" with whom he's so preoccupied. Read the show's negative reviews in iTunes—it's all there (where he can't censor it). My breaking point with the show was when he gleefully aired the audio from notorious internet snuff video "3 Guys

Kinda over this Fuckboy Three Amigos storyline. Fully ready for Lily/Brona to rip off Dorian, Dr. Vic and Clem Fandango's respective dicks and then toss them on the hand pile.

Yeesh, what a tedious, self-righteous, overcompensatory knee-jerk reply. Nobody asked for your references, dude. The nice guy doth protest too much, methinks. Irony is, like Dorian, the person looking the most bored is typically the most boring.

It would certainly seem to end the straw man argument that you're implying.

Depends on what time of day it is.

I agree; "University Verisimilitude Corner" is pompous and pedantic. Verisimilitude refers merely to the appearance of being true—not the actuality of being true. For the majority of viewers (most of whom likely do not approach the show from a niche academic perspective), the college scenes achieve a

What, you were expecting her to be listed as "ducklipsbabymama2"? I have myself listed in my contacts with my full name, address, etc.—it's just a matter of how meticulous one is.

Probably the same predilection for whimsy and narrative legerdemain that's been on display since the first winky-face "true story" disclaimer at the beginning of first episode of the series. It's all a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the unreliability of narrative and the contrivance inherent in how one chooses to

As a whole, Latin America is one of the most ethnically diverse regions on the planet. There is no one way to look ethnically Latin American. By no coincidence, it has also historically been one of the most thoroughly and diversely colonized regions. Hence some Latin Americans look quite European, because that is in

"Wow, this was a painfully try-hard episode. It was like a group of not
that funny people awkwardly riffing back and forth, trying to top each
other and…poops."

Yeah, I would concede that Melanie's personality was a bit obnoxiously twee. That said, putting it in judges' parlance, she still "killed it" enough to make the cutesiness a moot point.

Season 13's gimmick should be So You Think You Can Dance with Robert. Cat Deeley can still host, Nigel can be a towel boy backstage, and Paula and Derulo can fuck off forever.

The winners for seasons 7–11 all fully deserved to win. None of this season's contestants came close to the standard set by Ricky, Eliana and Melanie (who was better than you seem to remember despite being white). The last few seasons had "losers" who were better than every one of the dancers this season—including

Tripping or just not that thirsty? It's not Magic Micah.

Actually, it's a little known fact that the name of the show is a reference to a lyric that was cut from Shania Twain's "That Don't Impress Me Much."