Kid Ichorous

Daenerys' (and Rhaegar's) parents were brother/sister, as were their parents. She's an incest baby, as was Jon's probable father. Jon's probable mother was also an incest baby (grandma and grandpa Stark were cousins). They're all goddamn incest babies! There's no internally-logical reason for Daenerys and Jon's

Not surprising. Whole Foods' CEO and co-founder is also a conservative
Republican douche. Conservative oligarchs fund projects and companies
that pander to liberals and progressives, and then they use the proceeds
to fund the conservative political and economic agenda. It's a very
successful ideological wealth

Kind of stating the obvious. "Weirdo" jokes tend not to age well.

Erm, Duval didn't "joke about the murder of trans women"—he threatened that he would murder a transwoman if she "tricked" him into having sex with her. His "joke" exemplified the exact type of toxic, fragile masculinity and transphobic ignorance that leads men like him to murder transwomen, while also perpetuating the

Does it redeem itself though? The first two episodes have a dubiously conservative tone (Miller's suggestion that watching porn is going to cause her son to turn out like his father is a particularly ridiculous bit of reactionary nonsense—never mind the absurd notion of a kid distributing porn links like they're a

He's probably just shit-talking the House bill so that the pending slightly-less-awful-but-still-pretty-fucking-awful Senate bill will seem like a reasonable compromise by comparison. It's a bullshit manipulation tactic—and a pretty transparent one if you can overlook the novelty of Trump using the truth (that the

Uh, sorry, disingenuous feigned ignorance, humble-bragging and faux-wokeness aren't going to be enough to bring her back from cancellation. After the SNL debacle, her chances of renewal are about as good as Sense8's. No amount of staged contrition publicity is going to be enough. She's been permanently exposed as an

Morrissey's statement is perfectly cogent—he's criticizing the hypocrisy and empty platitudes of politicians, the monarchy, and the media while highlighting the disproportionate impact of these tragedies on actually-vulnerable common citizens.

For those who care, downloads of high quality rips beat the quality of streaming. The leaks would have to be pristine 1080p to be worth the well, effort though. This is more an issue of spoilers, anticipation deflation, and marketing disruption—it makes the actual release anticlimactic.

You'll never lose that baby fat if your aren't willing to give Richard even one diddly squat.

"Bed" is a song written and demoed by The-Dream (yeah, it's hyphenated), given to J. Holiday and produced by The-Dream. The Yeezy Season 5 version of the song is an extended reinterpretation/remix featuring the original lyrics and vocals by The-Dream, who has collaborated with Kanye several times before. All of the

I'd forgotten that Aidan Gillen was in that show.

They use the lowbrow-pretentious unreliable narrator gimmick to excuse any and all continuity errors. It's a cheat that's rather unconvincingly disguised as a profound artistic flourish.

Or the prequel: Bachelors of Sex.

Urm, that's exactly what a straw man argument is—one that redefines the opposing viewpoint in a way that makes it easier to refute (e.g., claiming that obtaining consent requires a literal contract and is therefore too onerous). In this case, the opposing argument has been exaggerated to make it seem absurdly

Historically, "marital rape" has been treated as legally exempt from rape laws for reasons that can succinctly be summed up as "because the patriarchy." In the US, the law started to change in the 70s, and then evolved further towards sanity in the 90s, but legal differences between how rape is treated based on

This seems more than a little bit unduly self-congratulatory. This kind of cynical self-promotion via ostentatious display of fashionable political correctness should be derided as wokewashing.

Are they doing Final Fantasy XV cosplay in that pic? More like A Tribe Called Side Quest.

What will they call it, Bingo Crashers?

Sounds like someone may have a bit of a crush on the Governor.