Kid Ichorous

I very much share your sentiment on Josh Charles. I'll add that Benjamin Koldyke as Paul Edley has also been a disaster, albeit a lesser one on the sidelines. I think that Koldyke may be the blander of the two; however, Josh Charles is nauseatingly smarmy and conspicuously face-punchable in addition to being bland.

I completely agree with your last point. Helen's hymen being intact begs too much suspension of disbelief considering her age and the realities of penetrative lesbian sex (and masturbation). It's sad to see this of all shows playing dumb about sex for the sake of goofy, disposable B or C story subplots.

Yes, they do. Feyman's quote is a false dilemma. "Knowing the name of something" and "knowing something" are not mutually exclusive; rather, the former is how one effectively communicates the latter.

The Diane character wasn't white in the comics. Apparently this reviewer can't differentiate between a white person and a black person in a two-tone black-and-white comic unless the black person is an ink blot. This review would have been better off if "It’s refreshing that race never so much as gets mentioned" had


Jake is cartoonishly sociopathic. He's certainly guilty of cyber crime, blackmail, and assault at the very least. But Jake is also a teenager. Labeling a teenager who hacks into a webcam to film two other teenagers having sex a "child pornographer" is a bit overblown and sensationalistic. You are certainly right that

So nobody got slashed in this episode, but this reviewer has officially flogged "child pornographer" to death.

Those are good points. I expect that the contestants' popularity on Twitter will fluctuate based on how they perform and what kind of reviews they get from the judges. I just wonder how much of an impact their existing popularity (or lack thereof) will have.

If number of Twitter followers is any indicator, then Asaf (@asafgoren1) is (fortunately) not very popular as he currently has under 800 followers. Just to put that into perspective, Jaja (@JajaVankova) has over 60,000 and JJ has over 20,000 (@jessicaJJrabone). Poor Darion (@Darion_Flores) only has about 500. It'll be

Fair enough. I was being a bit glib/facetious and not strictly literal with my intentionally less-than-precise use of "must." I was under the impression we're doing informal pop culture commentary here, but I suppose a fair amount of "gotcha" trolling is to be expected.

If practically nobody's watching, then they can stop censoring paintings by blurring the "naughty" bits, right?

Well, my point, based on what we've seen (him avoiding fucking her), was that her suddenly being pregnant despite being "on the pill" seems laughably improbable. That's "improbable"—not "impossible." I'm not claiming it as an example of immaculate conception; rather, it's an example of poor writing making an

I'm not sure that you do. Multiple instances of intercourse increase the overall-all likelihood that an instance of contraceptive failure will occur. This is why failure statistics indicate an increased likelihood of failure over time:…. "The longer any method of contraception is used, the

"Weren't you on the pill?"

Streaming for free?! What a steal. And here I was practically begging to give them all of my money for the privilege of streaming their new album with all of the guitars.

Apparently Marc didn't do enough homework to realize that his frank,
casual conversation with the president is too-conveniently timed to coincide with the dubious Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty
that Obama is still struggling to get members of his own party to
support. Obama going to
"The Cat Ranch" is just another

Nothing like the rape of a pretty white girl to distract from the awkward introduction of black slave traders.

"Successful people are successful" is not an argument against crowdfunding. Nobody ever promised crowdfunding as a source of easy money for people who haven't established a reputation for being reliable. For example, I contributed to Radiotopia's Kickstarter campaign because I enjoy many of their podcasts. I now enjoy

Relying on many small investments by content receivers is inherently different from relying on a small number of large investments from wealthy backers who don't care about the content. The suggestion that these two things are necessarily equivalent just because successful people have relied on both methods is flawed

"Crowdfunding is both 'desperate' and 'insulting'"—as opposed to the inherent dignity of privately wooing wealthy patrons? Get real, Morrissey! Crowdfunding isn't perfect, but it's a decent, more-democratic alternative to begging—and being beholden to—a small number of wealthy a-holes who only care about using you to