
To paraphrase Moe:  “Millennials, I knew it was them!  Even when it was the overpriced food and Amtrak execs wanting to the cut the bottom line I knew it was them!”

“You’re right, I’m a middle-class fraud.”

Yup. People really need to chill with getting offended. If we stopped doing things that might offend someone we wouldn’t do anything. The name is not derogatory and it simply labels something as addictive. And guess what, crack is addictive. Just because it’s hurt (legitimately) lots of people doesn’t minimize that

wait 10 years though

Corn dogs might possibly be doughnuts 

Sure doesn’t help to look like a literal deranged clown.

It is hard to show inconsistent moderation, without giving you know, examples of inconsistent moderation.

And yet, despite all these nonsensical suspensions, here’s Amouranth dancing on stream right now:

Honestly Interstellar would have been a much better movie if Matthew McConneghey’s character became a Star Saphire and was given their requisite skimpy outfit.

His ship, rocketing across the galaxy...


They should eject Brown into the Sun.

Grab ‘em by the Warhol.

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

Alright, fine. I’ll buy it.

Personally don’t give one flying shit about this guy or what he’s doing. Next article please.

George Carlin was a modern-day prophet, and we lost him far too soon.

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

Now playing

This guy being popular is a perfect reflection of the poor taste inherent to youth.

My son finally read this series this summer. I can’t wait to watch the miniseries and see if he rages appropriately like a good little nerd.