Fuck spicy chicken nuggets. Wendy’s needs to bring back fried chicken
Fuck spicy chicken nuggets. Wendy’s needs to bring back fried chicken
Absolutely love the ESA’s statement. This problems starts and ends with parents.
I never thought I’d live to see the day water became punk rock.
Can I join Balmung and never leave? Please??
from the description it sounds like this was more suited for outer limits than twilight zone. I was hoping for a “its a good life” take.
Thanks for the heads up on Frost! Ive been sticking to the training/towers since the game came out and thought she was an add on character you could only get by buying her.
Same same! This event will at least get me back into the fold for a few weeks
for the price of those butcher boxes, they should give you a $100. Amazon is still my go to for affordable Lodge stuff.
for the price of those butcher boxes, they should give you a $100. Amazon is still my go to for affordable Lodge…
I think its cute that Bethesda thinks people have stuck around long enough to make it to level 40-50
Wait... Kix is off brand??
Frankly, I’m surprised drug addicts have the time to be outraged by anything. Hipster drug addicts, maybe, but not good ole fashion crackheads.
It’s pretty cool but am I the only one who hates the design of the controller?
#9 for life!
welcome to the club
All I want to know is when will they roll out the build-it-yourself eggs benedict brunchable?
Please say they have eventual sights set on a PS4 release.
Just goes to show that even the best in Baltimore are the absolute worst.
Pics or it didnt happen.
I just think its funny that he actually called the cops. He had to have thought his employer was going to call the police to confirm his robbery. That or he was profoundly stoned.
I remember loving this game when it first came out. Unfortunately the hd version on ps4 has awful controls. Or maybe it always had awful controls and we just werent use to having good controls during the ps2 era. Either way, I’ll never play it again for that fact alone.