
Dont you love how people expect everything to be presented in a plausible manner?

This show has always been best when they take from the source material and change it ever so slightly. I seriously cant wait to see what Ezekiel does now that we have him moving forward into the Whisper War.

Scary and Ginger got it on??.... Niccccccce

Still the D-R-E

Gross. This is a mockery to all things bacon.

*sigh* I still miss the McRib...

There is no God!

My mom was the purveyor of tomato sandwiches in our house. To this day they are still the first thing I think about when buying fresh tomatoes.

You had me at Admiral Snackbar.

If you get offended by something as trivial as a digital trophy, it might be time to find a really good therapist.

That Karl Malone skit is still one of the funniest things ever.

Im fully expecting to not get a pair of these just like I didnt get a pair of the Dragonball shoes

Dont be fooled by that D&D starter kit. All it comes with are pre generated characters. It says it comes with blank worksheets but it doesnt. Still worth the price just to get a feel for D&D but it definitely doesnt come with everything that it says

Dont be fooled by that D&D starter kit. All it comes with are pre generated characters. It says it comes with blank

fuck football all together. Soccer’s better anyway

I always thought Pinkerton was just a random word Rivers came up with cause the band couldn’t think of anything else to call the album.

Yeah, good for him being good enough to get the Ravens as far as a playoff game but when you choke like Jackson did, repeatedly throughout the game, you dont deserve to stay on the field. But hey, what do I know, it’s not like I have a fancy coaching job or anything like that.

I’d rather be a Bears fan dealing with Parkey than a Ravens fan dealing with Jackson.

This is America...

Like they cant easily afford that judgement.

Im just thankful I dont pay any attention to this overrated kid