Kid Dynamite

Holy hell Civilization look WAYYYYY worse than I remember it in my head. I guess when you get lost in that game you sort of imagine a lot of it up like a good book.

Yeah, it’s the system. I noticed it in a few other posts. Lame.

I’m guessing you’ve never stepped foot inside of NY or NJ. Because if you had, you’d never say that. I’ve witnessed this first hand. My police officer neighbor has confiscated it numerous times. It happens for certain, especially among middle-schoolers and high-schoolers, and much more than you might personally think.

That’s a cool optimistic notion, but without regulation, those dangers still exist. Not that I’m saying it would matter to me. I mean, youngsters will huff shoe polish if they think it seems like a good idea. I’m all for dangers in society, and those who are dumb enough to walk around the BS for long enough will

Hahahahaha. Maybe on Acid.

I started to notice that they were becoming easier to pull off, or at least less accurate in terms of frame timing, when I started doing them by mistake while trying to pull off certain attacks. I never upgraded to a joystick in all these years, and still prefer to play with a Playstation controller. I’m comfortable

Punch first. Yell afterward.

You know what sucks. I agree with Bain entirely in regards to the game. Except I LOVE the art style. It reminds me of a mashup of A Link to The Past, and Sword & Sworcery. The color palette is wonderful. I also agree that it is indeed professional to back away from reviewing (professionally) a game, that you have


Thanks for this. Have seen these videos, and am a HUGE Capcom/SF fan... but even I learned a thing or two about the differences between parry in each game. Very cool stuff Steve!

aaaaaaaand... I’ll just save my money and keep playing Knight on my Saturn. This game doesn’t look all that good. The soundtrack and sound also seems pretty bad. I appreciate the effort, but I think the original Nights Into Dreams on Saturn was a happy accident in some ways. It’s Wiiquel was garbage. Needs to have

That's funny. I was a die-hard King's Field fan, and I won't buy the legit Souls games for the same reason... just with a different twist! I know the Souls games are great. I just needed entire summers of my teenage years to defeat the King's Filed games. I just know that I don't have the time or patience for the

You sir just saved me $40 on the 3DS version. Thanks!

First of all... That’s the first time anyone has ever used Djibouti with me in an actual sentence. So kudos. Secondly, that sucks. At least he went out to help her. Some guys wouldn’t go that far nowadays for their wives. Lastly, nice Jack avatar. I’m pumped for P5, and the Nintendo Fire Emblem/ SMT Mash-up.

Question: What is the difference between this 3DS and WiiU release, and the version that we had for the original Wii? I have it, and have yet to play it... But from what I remember, the screenshots looked amazing for the Xenoblade Wii game. Is this the same game but just revamped? Or is this a brand new story and game?

Same here. Greece is in shambles. I know you were joking. I’m also just ball-busting. But seriously though... People do some screwed up things.


I don’t disagree. But what does that have to do with what I said, or with your first post? You made the indication that the fucked up people were white. I simply stated that the names didn’t seem white to me, and that you should look further into it, before calling a cylinder a cube. I decided to take the liberty of

That’s pretty racist. But since you’re already comfortable having that conversation...

I can’t personally do better, because my best abilities are in audio, and not visual art. But he’s just not that good.