I’d “accidentally’ put some pretty bad chemicals in Dave’s IV.
I’d “accidentally’ put some pretty bad chemicals in Dave’s IV.
Sick! Thanks.
Can you also ask them when we can get Just Breed on Virtual Console? I’ve been trying to play that game since I was a little runt.
Ughh. I will unfortunately fork over the loot to play this game, but I too hate that I wont have the box sitting on my bookshelf. I may have to pay twice, to get the JP release from Play-Asia or something. I like seeing the physical copies of the games I play/finish sitting on my shelf. It’s really a shame, because…
Guess I’m keeping my Wii U after all.
Purple Haze, Yukon Gold, and Northern Lights, were all VERY potent. The cheaper selections were what I would refer to as maintenance.
Hahahaha. Ever hear of Willie Nelson? The most famous pot smoker, who happens to be white?
That's really good news. It's not the actual process of handling it's growth, storage, and sale that isn't so easy. It's the same politicians, lobbyists, the FDA, and some corporations, who bring all the red tape to the surface. It slows things down. At the end of the day, it's a plant. Some folks like it. I don't see…
That's just plain untrue. Maybe you need to find a time machine, so you can spend your teenage years in the Bronx and North Jersey. First of all... you're not a bloodhound. You cannot detect the scent of dried glue or spraypaint until after it has been ignited. Oregano can be snuck in easily, because while it does…
Well it doesn't exactly give merit to your blurt of my being wrong and without providing any evidence. Maybe you are just uncomfortable realizing that what you yourself know about the drug has been wrong all along. So please.. Do go on and learn us all with your advanced knowledge of the topic. But this time maybe use…
That would be an extremely incorrect assumption, and even if it were true, at least I can capitalize the first letters of my sentences, and punctuate their endings. I'm also certain that I did not mention any untruths about Cannabis, or how it's shitty system of commerce operates in my local region. Good day sir.
I completely agree with you. What you say would be ideal. I was merely stating that as things currently stand, it is not necessarily safe to buy weed from a typical street dealer... which is sadly how the vast majority of users acquire the substance to begin with. If it were indeed legalized, and people could just…
No. I'm 34 years old and I don't buy weed from anyone. But as a teenager, I did. It is most common for dealers in NJ to be between the ages of 16 and 25. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's bought weed or read a newspaper article. Also, to be clear, it's no strawman argument.
Hahaha. Well... Since you insist.
You should be. California and Colorado are just lightyears safer in my small experience. Kids selling usually, not the initial dealer/suppliers.. will just "dust" it with some green and red/orange Krylon.. mix it up.. and then hit it with a light coat of spray glue. It adds a lot of weight, and smoking glue is very…
I would assume so, and hope so. But some people don't know what they're doing. Keep in mind that some people can't even get dressed properly, let alone make a distinction between there substance highs. If it's huffing shoe polish one minute, and then smoking some pot the next, I'm sure they wouldn't catch the rubber…
That's just scary. 2% cocaine would do less for me than a RedBull and some optical illusions.
Specifically it references the band... but secondly, I am a huge Mike Tyson's Punch Out! fan.
That would be ideal. Treat it like regular everyday gardening.... yknow... like countless civilizations before us did haha.