Kid Dynamite

Ohhhh. No, the lid on mine is not floppy. It stays where I put it. I can see it maybe wearing out in a couple of years of use, but it's nice and tightly snapped in at the hinges, and it's not loose at all. very tight, and it stays open if I want it to, and it snaps tightly closed when I want that.

I do think it would be best for everyone if Konami would just focus more on Konami. Kojima has pretty much trumped it's popularity on his own, but it still has it's roots in the industry, and get's less and less attention for the brand with each Kojima release. At this point, he, the man, does not need more

TxK is solid. If Atari had half of a brain, they'd hire this motherfucker tomake a newand proper Tempest. I play the shit out of my Tempest 2000 for Sega Saturn.. but would love an official Atari Tempest on PS4.

Patiently awaiting your word on the Shovelknight DLC Free Update, and maybe your thoughts on the PS4 version... Even if you could sneak in a quick short post. I'd love to know your thoughts. I haven't played the first version yet, and each day I get more and more tempted.

Nice. I keep reading into it, and I'm not sure that it was the same ride. It was def between 1991 and 1995 when I went, and I can't imagine my parents letting me and a handful of my 11 year old friends running free in the park... But then again, the world was a MUCH different place then. I'm mentally time stamping

That's the beauty of Action Park, they had numerous deaths back in the day before reopening. When I was about 14 (1994 or so), I went with a few friends. They had a waterslide that I believe was called "Canonball". While we were walking, a kid shot out of the waterslide's tube end, and overshot the little shallow

Yep, was just gonna say... They spent ALL that effort creating SUCH a nice looking burger, yet left the cigarette butts looking like decals on the table. Terrible.

They have a special place in hell for these guys.

I respect that Jiro is transitioning into a turtle. Most would think he would transform to some sort of godly fish... but not Jiro. He say's "Fuck that... Turtle power!".

Yeah. I'm sure I did. I can tell that they do make really nice products, very similar to Panasonic for home care items, and for less money. My Air Purifier probably was just a one-off bad one... But it's the lack of customer support that made me decide to never buy from them again. I mean, there isn't even a phone

I considered the Tiger. They look nice, and I like the Goldish color they are available in. However, my bedroom air filter is a Tiger, and the Blue LEDs stopped working down one entire side almost immediately, and their customer support never replied to any of the 4 messages I sent them.

I randomly bought some Nintendo stock about 3 weeks ago. Last night it doubled. This is just awesome.


The spring tension top thingy on the Contigo is definitely superior technology, and that is where it excels for sure! The Zojirushi however is a more traditional snap down seal. It can be left on its side or held upside-down without creating a mess. My office is also, extremely cold. The Contigo is a REALLY nice

Haha. Thanks Mike! I miss good high energy punk and hardcore punk. I played out on the 2012 Warped Tour, and besides NFG, nothing really sparked my interest. There were tons of typical metalcore clones, and a couple of vampire bands. Not like Ink & Dagger... like... BAD vampire bands haha. I'm still very much

Yeah, you're 100% right. I think that's good though that you need to be more creative when packing lunch. More options usually means more nutritional sources, unless you fill it with junk like I do. Spaghettios and warmed Hi-Chew isn't exactly nutritious haha.

I agree. Best travel mug hands down. Zojirushi also sells some really nice stainless steel (and color stainless steal) bento containers. Nice and simple way to get your hot coffee/tea, and a proper lunch to work or wherever. The other nice thing, for those of us who love food a little too much (and show it), is

What the fuck did I just read?

Let's hope it's a hybrid console/sweet bun toaster.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into some more Japan/Korea based reviews before coughing up any money for this one. I did REALLLLLY like the first Tales of Xillia. I started the sequel, but haven't gotten deep into it.