Kid Dynamite

Unfortunately popularity isn't a deciding factor in whether or not something is the "Best". It would be a deciding factor in selecting favorites though. But this is about what the BEST Optimus Prime toys are. Regardless of popularity, the G1 Prime toy far exceeds the quality and style of the Powermaster version.

I'm sorry Mike. I think you're a swell guy and all... But how can I take this seriously? I was perfectly okay with omitting the original 1984 Optimus. You had good reason (although you didn't need to further bash the toy haha. BUT....

Jason. That link is crazy.

I beat Comix Zone as a kid, but needed to use the infinite life cheat code. It was just impossible without it.

You should have typed that comment starting with the last letter first, so I could read it with a classic Black Lodge delivery.

For once I feel like the Game Gods were listening. Just yesterday I was bitching about how the Vita has plenty of RPGs, but how most of them are just mediocre besides the P4 and FFX remakes. I enjoyed both Dangonronpas a bit, and Toukiden was decent. But this... THIS looks great...

That's what I did. But the problem is that my original AppleID was a GMail account. Then I got MobileMe, which became iCloud, which you are clearly well versed in. On my iOS 8 devices, or any for that matter, iCloud won't sync Notes, and a few other parts of the Apple environment that I really need. So for a while

Also, to reply to myself.. I am aware that there is a download option in this case, and that there is a deadline for it. But why? Storage is SO CHEAP. Will it really hurt Sony to host these games? It seems like they give up on ideas way too quickly. Update the code. Make it easier for devs to create. Use Cocoa.

I bought my PSP games initially as UMDs. But since I kept them in amazing condition, and they were 90% RPGs.. I sold them for morethan what I paid on eBay after the Vita came out, and then redownloaded all the SMT games digitally. Goodbye UMDs, and hello extra cashflow and faster loading times.

To anyone saying that the slide is useless...

They really need to just make these games accessible via the website. Simply log into the PSN on your Mac or PC, and download the title. If they take down the service, the digital goods should be permanently available, and easy to download and store away for future use. if they are seriously concerned about people

I still have that original Strategy Guide that came bundled with the game when I was a kid. I can't beat it without it. Even if I get passed that stupid tunnel, the last level/dungeon/thing is just brutally unfair without the maps and instructions. That's how games should be haha. I tried playing Castlevania III

I've put the shame behind me... So, when can I come pick up my car?

My local GS got robbed twice last year. The girl who works there had her personal iPhone taken too. She showed me the surveillance footage, and it was terrifying to see her speaking to a customer, while this big creepy dude just snuck behind the registers. Luckily it wasn't an armed robbery, or at least no violence

I'm so broke right now, but maybe I'll just squeeze a $20 bill their way. That just sucks on every level.

That's awful. Ughhh.

Have you worked religiously since about 16 years old? In your 30s now? Blow the money while you're young. You may not live to see 65. If you do, let the government take care of you like so many other sacks of shit do.

Don't anyone DARE blur this masterpiece!


All this wonderful advancement, and I still can't change my fucking PSN name without using a new email. Jeesh. I simply want to change my name to all lower-case lettering, but I really feel bad for those you you who made your names something like "BigMonster69" back when the PS3 released. It sucks that we can't