Kid Dynamite

Does Sony not realize how much MORE money they would make by lowering the PSVITA memory to this price bracket? I've been dealing with my launch day 8 gig card, because the library is still weak (probably given up on) and the prices are outrageous. I have filled the 8 gig card a few times though with PS1 downloads.

Does Sony not realize how much MORE money they would make by lowering the PSVITA memory to this price bracket? I've

Fair enough. I was just being a dumbass anyway. I agree with your initial comment. I just don't find any of that stuff scary in the least. I think Silent Hill 2 had a really good way of scaring the player with emptiness. The lacking of music or on-screen enemies were the most terrifying parts of the game. The

By the way Shep, today's Deals write-up was really well done. Seriously man. I am one loyal reader who truly appreciates you guys basically placing my online shopping right in front of me. It's an excellent time saver, and you guys often catch good deals that I would definitely miss out on.

I wish I wasn't on the second floor. I don't trust not causing my Lay-Z Spa to burst, with all the Lay-Zing I'd be doing in it. I'm assuming that once I own a house, that I can get one... But if I'm in well enough financial shape to get the house, chances are I can afford a non-trailer trash version of a hot tub as

...aaaand, you're on a list.

Um. What exactly is "sexy" about monsterous nurses? They are repulsive. We will agree to stop putting undead nurses in games, when you agree to stop calling them "sexy"... That's just weird.

Not sure I understand the level of impressiveness this is giving you other commenters...

Def not. He gets sight beyond sight from that purple tie.


Oh splendid! Nice world we live in huh?

Hahahaha. I'm 34. Got one foot in the grave already. The struggle is real.

39? How did you type this comment from the grave?

I laughed at this comment way harder than I should have for a brief moment, and then it turned to sadness. Haha.

Thanks for replying. Yeah, those business practices don't bother me, so long as they keep pumping out inexpensive options that push new innovations and keep that simple, sleek, and purposeful vibe that MIUI had. I can't read Chinese kanji, so I'm pretty sure this box won't do me any good personally. But it looks

I didn't buy one.. I happen to be a Sony and Nintendo guy. I've just always loved their systems. However, I've had all the XBOXs leading up to this, but haven't bought it yet. The original XBOX, although clunky, was SUCH a good console. I think X1 is starting to shape up to be just as nice.

I love the genuine sense of aggravation that I get from your words while reading "so I can put in my SD card, so I can play my god damn games".

Do you think when they catch him, that they'll upload the videos of him crying for mommy on his YouTube account?

Don't give anyone any ideas haha.

I'd be okay with this if Nintendo would just allow me to link my Nintendo account and Club.Nintendo account to each of my 3DS devices. I sold my launch model 3DS to get the XL, and did the system transfer to keep my games and Ambassador status...