Kid Dynamite

I feel like everything that is touched by Xiaomi just seems super sleek. I'm pretty sure they made the MIUI rom I used a couple of years ago, and I remember it being really ahead of it's time.

Hahahaha. I don't do enough drugs for my toys to come to life. But I see your point.

Is it bad that I've been lying to my girlfriend about exactly this? Every time I get a new DS of sorts, she tells me I gotta sell the old one... So I just box em back up and store em in my parents attic over at their house. She'll never know. It's just not worth the debate as to why I need to 7 different handhelds.

Which 3DS is the one from the borders of this image? It looks less like the Red one available in the US, and more like the old Famicom Red. Where can I find it?

So sick.

I just never thought there was a point where Digimon outsold Pokemon... But I sure know that I like the PS1 Digimon games.

Excellent share Patrick! Thanks for this.

Now that you posted about it they will... Guh.

Would be better if they changed them to puppy-cats.

HAHAHAHAHA! @ The very end.

Didn't you literally call this a year ago?!?! That's great though. I still have yet to see Yokai Watch, and I'm hoping for a game release in the US... but it's good to see emerging fads steal the spotlight from the big boys every once in a while.

Yeah, seriously... Good for him! I'm just glad she quickly said yes, and that none of the other surrounding folks trolled them. It went about as smooth as that type of situation could go. His girlfriend/soon-to-be wife, was fully absorbed in her gaming, and is beautiful on top of that. Total win for this kid. I

Welcome Sir. You are dead wrong about Pizza. However, you are dead right about the Jets.

How do I do a Haduken?

Dat eyeshadow.

Steve is fucking hot.

I love the Yakuza series, but yuck.

...or Jax.


So sick. I'm a huge fan of my Dreamcast JoJo game, but I missed the PS3 release unfortunately. I see some bad stuff, even in your article, about it. Is it worth just waiting for this PS4 one then?