Kid D-Brock

It's as close as a band can get to a perfect album.

Actually, when he wasn't doing his gangster persona, he was known for being extremely pleasant, intelligent, and well spoken.

Haha right? I live in Washington, and even all the redneck towns have a teriyaki joint.

I still want to sue that mutherfucker for Idlewild. So much potential, and he turned it into a mediocre feature length music video. And Outkast has not made music since. We should ALL be suing him for that.

I like how they made sure Monica landed on Courtney Cox

….that's pretty thick headed.

I really want to see this, but I can't find it streaming anywhere.

I'm not obtuse, I'm acute.

Yes, we must protect our poor, weak women. There is no way Mystique could be involved in a fight against a powerful man, because of course she is a woman. No women in action movies, they are simply too frail and sensitive, we can't see them being hurt.

A "C-" for a Sandler film these days is pretty high praise. That's like an "A+" for a normal movie!

I just feel bad for James Bobin….can we get a Flight of the Concords movie instead please?

Seriously, Daniel went from very strategic and sharp witted to a babbling madman in like half an episode. Nick goes from level headed to religious weirdo, and Chris goes from EmoTeen to Mr. Bloodlust all in like a week.

Random Ass Fact: He also did a voice on a children's Christian radio drama, Adventures in Odyssey.

I know I'm not the first to bring this up, but if only there had been some other way of holding that button down, like….freezing it into place…but then someone would need a freeze gun of some kind…

I'm 30, and I saw this movie for the first time last year. Fucking great. I didn't think it would be so great. Usually there is a generational gap, but I felt like I got the humor and the commentary as much as someone could who wasn't alive when it came out. And yeah, those guys are SUCH dicks, but I felt like the

Yeah I thought it was odd, but it's a great scene. Awful, but great.

Goddammit I love this show! So funny….I do not understand for the life of me how this show gets such low ratings….but I read Fox is paying much more attention to the time-shifted viewings than Nielson ratings, so, DVR or watch on Hulu instead of pirating people!

Fear the Walking Dead, or The Dumbest MutherFuckers Alive (but probably not for long).

This show has maintained barely decent ratings,much lower than it should have. So it seems weird that abc can justify doing a spinoff.

I love both of them, but Whatever Works is definitely his worst film that I have seen.