Kid D-Brock

This could possibly mean that any current MCU character could be a sleeper agent Skrull in disguise.

I can't say I expected anything less from it….but WOW does that emoji movie look sooooo bad

The dog stuff is funny. But as much as I like Tolman, the human story line is un-fucking-watchable.

Fun fact: Bill O'Reilly rooted for the Emperor in Return of the Jedi, and called Darth Vader a liberal pussy for saving his son.

This is great….but can we get some more Wheels, Ontario? I would watch that every week for the rest of my life. At least a couple webisodes or something! It's been aboot long enough!


Eat shit and die.

Obviously since I watch this show, I have accepted the ridiculous writing and plot points and details that are just dumb….and I really am ok with it…but…does it irritate anyone else that having ice powers makes Caitlin into an evil psychopath? Like why in the fuck does her being a meta give her a split personality? I

One episode more than I thought would air.

Papa Roach and Linkin Park having word for word the same description is maybe the best thing I have ever seen on the AV Club. Fucking hilarious.

That is very very interesting. It all makes so much sense now. Wow, he did the same thing with Snowpiercer. Wide release planned, director wouldn't let Harvey get his famous scissors out, and Harvey buries it. Instead of letting The Immigrant get Oscar noms, which would only help promote his own company he buries it.

So he actually IS Frasier Crane. That is wonderful and hilarious.

Glad to see this getting such great reviews. The trailer was intriguing, but once I found out it was the director of The Immigrant I was down. I don't personally understand how that movie didn't get nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Actress, and Best Actor.

…..sigh……I knew THAT was coming…..but yes, it's me. I am the one….sigh….

Oh man, nothing better before and/or after a Mariners game!

Don't worry all you pervs, Sabrina is 25 in real life.

This was much better than the pilot. I feel like the pilot would have been better if it and the second episode were one long episode.

I don't really like her that much on TWD, but I think it's mainly because her character has been generally annoying. I wouldn't say she is a terrible actress, but Sasha has been given shit to work with, so I guess I'm interested in seeing if she can play someone with more depth in the character development department.

I don't understand how any of the deep cable networks stay in business. None of their shows get crazy ratings, even if they're as awesome as Comedy Bang Bang. I wonder how high the Netflix views are for CBB. I know I've watched all the episodes on Netflix twice. It would be great if they revived it, the show couldn't

Holy shit! You went to fucking high school with THE Misty Mullins?! Wow!