Kid D-Brock

I don't understand why this show isn't really popular. Hopefully Hulu will pick it up for at least season 2, cause it just doesn't get any ratings and I really don't understand why. It is easily the funniest show on the main networks, maybe even television.

Really good episode. I definitely agree it had a real old school spy Mission Impossible feel to it which is great cuz they get to use the majority of the cast. Also agree the Daisy/Lincoln subplot is boring with no chemistry, but oh well there wasn't too much time wasted. This show has come a long way from the monster

Right….I'll just have to take your word on that one.

She is such a bad actress. To be the worst thing about Boondocks Saints 2 was quite an accomplishment.

A-fucking-men. As mentioned, it's nice to have a collection to look at, but I'd rather have my entire music collection in my hands. I don't miss getting ripped off by paying 20 bucks for an album and getting one or two good songs.


I still think the whole Mac being gay bit is so dumb and lazy. He wasn't gay for like 3/4 of the seasons and then all of the sudden he is so gay and everyone says they always knew.

New House of Cards, Daredevil, and Trailer Park Boys!!! I guess I won't be getting much shit done in March.

I know, she was a different character on the show. Andrea was written incorrectly. She is one of the strongest characters in the book, right about on par with Michonne and Rick. I know the book and the show are not the same thing, but that is one thing I wish they had kept.

No, I am sorry but no. This is the point where he hooks up with Andrea, but it made much more sense with the two of them. Because he and Michonne have the same dynamic in the book and on the show, which is why they are not a couple in the book. I wish they had just made Andrea the bad ass she is in the book and not

ok I didn't catch that.

Does anyone else feel like Vandal Savage is just doing a Christoph Waltz impression?

1. "This isn't my first Prison Break"…..fuckin' really? Talk about low hanging fruit.
2. Snart spends the whole episode lecturing Canary about how you don't take out one of your own. But when his partner wants to save the Atom, he's like Fuck that! Leave his ass!….which given the situation would be a death

the final impression makes up for any of the episode's flaws…."I am, ah, Barack Obama, and, ah, I can eat whatever I want for dinner."

So…girls really get told to smile? I've seen that on a few tv shows now, and it just seems like the fuckin weirdest thing. It would never occur to me to do that…I didn't think people actually did that…

Oh man. Pretty soon Rick is going to be looking back at the moment where he sat with his son having his face blown off and think that sounds relaxing. Negan is going to fuck his world up.

Which is why I miss it. Because it's gone.

I miss Natasha and Bucky's relationship.

Yes, but I actually feel like with cassettes, because of that reason, they had to make more of an effort to make an album you could play all the way through. I was a preteen in the late 90s, and I remember constantly being duped by spending like $20 on a CD because I loved the radio single, and then like two out of

The one good thing about CDs is they take away options. Sometimes having every song ever at one's disposal makes it too hard to decide what to listen to. If you put in a cd, it's too annoying to change it and you're more likely to listen to a whole album.