Kid Dada

Actually, I just did and… I kind of liked it more than Lost Highway.

Are you suggesting that Classic Peaks wasn't chock full of timewaster scenes? Because I have some silent drape runners here that would beg to differ.

Janey-E is basically Nadine Hurley redux, but Naomi Watts' performance has made her my favorite new character. The scenes with her (and, weirdly, the kid who plays Sonny Jim) redeem the Dougie stuff, even apart from MacLachlan's comic performance.

If and when I give up on Drag Race completely, I fully expect it will be because of the fans.

The Bubonic plague was also pretty bad.

Fuck you, Oasis is the straight Suede.

Drag or football. Gotta be one or the other, man.

One thinks that would really flood the market for graphic designers. They'd be able to hire us for peanuts.

If this wasn't a David Lynch project, I would almost think it was a commentary on white, male privilege.

Also, Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials. You just know that backyard was chock full of dead adults.

Anyone who doubts the majesty of Miss Nina Flowers cannot possibly be a friend of yours!

Jaymes is the one that I've become most enamored with since she's gotten the boot, but I'm not sure that Drag Race is the best venue for her skills. (I kind of feel the same way about Nina, actually.)

Absolutely not.

Meatball for season 10! She'll stir shit up.

The problem with that would have been that then we would have them just dressing AS the Spice Girls, which honestly, between Gaga and Madonna, we don't need more of that. For this they actually had to take inspiration from the roles, because they couldn't copy them directly, and the challenge was better for it.

Vander is the only drag queen whose merch I've bought, i love her that much.

They're having a season two! I enjoyed season 1 more than this season of Drag Race.

I enjoyed this episode, because it actually felt like a Drag Race episode. We had a mini-challenge, workroom Ru, queens having to sew their own outfits, and a half-baked performance number. Also, no Tragedy Mirror! I'm happy with the top 4, although I am disappointed that Sasha hasn't managed a solo win yet.

I'd rather have another Sylvester lip sync than another RuPaul one, tbh.

That's where my mind immediately went, too.