Kid Dada

Actually, I thought his acting was 500% more engaging here than it was in the original series. As long as all the shots including him are from across the room and you don't hear his voice, he may end up my favorite character of the new series!

BOB has upgraded to leather and Just For Men with his ill-gotten gains. He's hip to the times, man!

Valentina's epidode one look was mariachi, not matador.

But AS2 still had Workroom Ru and some other person going around to all the queens, to incorrectly tell Katya that her idea was stupid. There was some feedback, and some attempt to steer them towards success. Now Ru's like, "Fuck it, make a TV show, I have my 11:30 colonic to get to. See ya!"

Except political ads absolutely have a structure to them. I just find a TV pilot a much more daunting thing, I guess. This is the sort of challenge I would have expected Workroom Ru to do the rounds for, to sort of point the queens in another direction if necessary, but Workroom Ru seems to happen less and less often.

Shoot up that love shack, baby! No survivors!

If she had been performing for more than 10 months, she'd know the magic of "peas and carrots".

I can totally see Trinity on an episode of Donahue about club kids. And after all, that's the real litmus test.

It's weird to me that Trinity feels more Club Kid to me than Sasha in this challenge. For the queen I had the least interest in at the beginning of the season, she's really won me over.

Did this challenge seem to anyone else like they were being thrown to the wolves? In the past, I think the challenges were much more structured: the queens would be given an idea that they would have to fill out themselves. At least give them a theme, like last season's music challenge, where the queens were given

Yeah, I didn't get the sense that it's even a possibility. Although Kenya came back in episode 10 of season 4, so I suppose it's a possibility if Ru really wanted to put the fear of god in Val.

Even not knowing the words, leaving the mask on just draws attention to it.

Sasha keeps winning shit she can't use.

Honestly? I think that has more to do with the show than the queens. Everything about the show itself feels tired: the slack editing, the unimaginative retreads of past challenges, the lack of MINI challenges, the Very Special Moments engineered into every episode while the queens apply their make-up. It feels like

"Country lip syncs tend to be the least entertaining, and it’s difficult to bring a rousing energy to a song that is pretty understated compared to most drag standards."

A German BISEXUAL. Stop bi erasure.

Now I really want someone to do Marie Curie.

Now I'm just imagining the camp as Mortville.

Well MY mom says 40 is the new fetus, so NYAH!