Kid Dada

I mean, the art style is a big part of the tone of the book, just like with Squirrel Girl. I guess I have no interest in the Marvel house style.

I'm 43 and this is what I dig, fun books that don't require me to be paying attention to whatever event Marvel is currently trying to beat me into submission with. I love Hellcat — she was the main character of the first comic I ever read, Defenders 111 (which was a weird-as-hell introduction to comics in general), so

The former would be nice and dramatic, so probably the latter.

Why keep that secret within the episode itself though? I'm not disputing it, it just seems weird to then blame the fact that queens in England don't lip sync. Just say, I am in pain, I want to go home, and a competition like this isn't the ideal place for me right now.

RuPaul saw the devastation of the AIDS epidemic too. At the risk of ascribing politics to this show, in this climate I don't think it's a bad thing to remind viewers that not too long ago, an entire generation was decimated by deliberate governmental inaction. And I don't know how they could have not mentioned the

EVERYONE LIP SYNCS AT LEAST ONCE. This wasn't a surprise; it was a bullshit excuse.

Hey, at least Tammie actually moved during her LSFYL!

How exactly did she save her team?

Did you see her shoes? She was afraid of falling and breaking her hip.

Fucking Yellowbeard. Even as a kid, I was embarrassed for everyone involved, and made uncomfortable by how funny it wasn't.

Much less Gloria Swanson.

Same. I liked that she went the opposite of her Classically Latina looks this week, going so far as shaving her glorious brows. She's smart, polished, and witty, and I love that. And while everyone keeps saying Valentina has only been doing drag for ten months, i could swear in the first episode she said "performing"

Although Untucked just made her seem angry and bitter and bitching at Valentina (which certainly doesn't earn her points in my book), only to have Valentina try to explain that she needs to take the criticism and use it.

Let's agree to disagree.

Wow, you really want to be right.

Fair enough.

Maybe we need to hear other writer's concepts.

I meant simply in the context of the big two.

Yeah, a decade and a half on, Buffy doesn't play quite as feminist as it did at the time.

Well then I keep bitching about it until I feel like there's enough.