Kid Dada

Are we in danger of straight male writers not writing from other people's perspectives? Is there a dearth of this that I'm unaware of? I don't think that's the problem: the problem is that all these guys are crowding out the voices of women — not just on books featuring a female superhero, but most noticeably that.

I got more out of the six minute RuUnion video Katya posted than I did out of this mess. How can it be that hilarious and creepy as fuck? I am all for Detox serving Black Lodge Grandma Realness.

I think Katya's make-up would have worked better on the other side of the stage, if you saw the other side of her face when she was directing her attention at Ru, only to reveal the scars when she turned her head.

I actually love Naomi and Chi Chi. Thorgy should have gone further, but Betty just imploded on Snatch Game.

To make you ask questions. Success!


It's always a way for them to advertise their brand, and at best it is used to justify "controversial" decisions, but is otherwise worthless.

And it wasn't about serving fish. Nina is definitely in my top ten RPDR contestants: she looked like a beast, but was genuinely sweet, and I love that.

She has joked several times about Violet calling her a filler queen in the first episode, but the truth is the show and Untucked kind of treated her like a filler queen. I remember her having a lot of reaction shots and talking heads, but I think everyone who fell in love with her can blame it on her amazing social

It reads as sycophantic to me. Now I absolutely do believe she should win, she has proven herself head and shoulders above all her competitors repeatedly. My main problem really is that I wish That win excited me as much as it would've in season 5. admittedly, that says more about me than her. Minimizing drama might

Katya's hair and makeup could not have been more up my alley. The outfit was not a winner by itself, but she sold it completely.

Really? Because I've been getting "company man" vibes from him this entire season. See the response to Ru after Adore withdrawing from the competition.

Katya's runway look was by far my favorite, and her commercial was the only one that actually made me laugh, but you could tell the way the LSFYL was shot that she wasn't going to win.

This season has kinda made Alaska seem rather a charmless Stepford queen. Her commercial was good, but her runway look was, uh, not. And her speech before the reveal was unnecessary.

I saw the last season: I'm not excited at all.

And then get themselves so worked up over it.

I think she has poor social skills, but I also think the edit is not doing her any favors. She's competitive, but they ALL fucking are. I don't see her doing anything that egregious to warrant the hate this season.

Although the same could honestly be said about Katya.

I was actually disappointed the show didn't have a more deliberate feminist slant. Which I know isn't the point of the show, but really, why go Helen of Troy when you can go Medea??

Boudica, bitches! Tell me someone couldn't have done something awesome with a Celtic warrior queen. That would have made more sense as heavy metal than Helen of Troy.