Kid Dada

When I heard the original song it was based off of, it seemed so lackluster and wan in comparison. The way Willam says "I will take them down, thank you!" makes me giggle every time I hear it at the gym.

Oh yeah, this show is basically just Alaska waiting around to be crowned.

I think that's exactly the point of the lipstick tubes. Up until now, the choices haven't been different, so it hasn't been a factor.


I'm still not sure what was going on in the middle of her face. I didn't hate the look, but I thought that the head just looked sloppy.

The Venus of Willendorf would have been preferable to Princess Diana.

"And after Drag Race, stay tuned for Logo's newest hit, 'Murder, She Queefed' starring Katya and Trixie Mattel. Can our heroes catch the killer stalking the elderly ladies of Littleton before he can catch them? Also starring Stockard Channing, Pam Grier, Catherine O'Hara, and Mink Stole as Old Widow Honeysuckle!"

Yeah, during most of it I was basically just tutting disapprovingly at the show buying into historical rumors perpetuated by the patriarchy to undermine the authority of women.

Not gonna lie: half of my despair at the prospect of Katya leaving was the prospect of no new Total Ru-calls on YouTube.

My fervent hope is that they one day have a LSFYL to The Shaggs "My Pal Foot Foot."

Also: PRINCESS FUCKING DIANA?? Anybody who got assigned that would have been doomed. They couldn't do Joan of Arc? Or literally anyone else with any personality whose children aren't still alive?

The "rules" bullshit needed to stop; it was just a way for the queens to avoid the consequences of their choices. Leave it to Alyssa to ignore it. Bless her goofy little heart for keeping Katya for us.

Agreed. I watched her and her bf doing a "How much do you know about each other?" thing on WOWPresents, and she started fine, but as it went on, you could tell she was getting competitive and frustrated. I think she is just super-competitive, and while I don't think she's the monster she came across as in Season 4, I

I think if it came down to it, Detox would boot any of the season 5 queens without much pause.

Also, it's a nice counterpoint to all the girls trying desperately to prove the opposite.

It had been a while. Too long, actually.

She never seemed to need the validation of the show, which might have been a matter of her age. And I genuinely believe she is one of the few early queens who would be a contender if she was on the show now.

I didn't even think accuracy was on the radar as far as Snatch Game was concerned. Maggie Smith is not actually her character from Downton Abbey. And Sharon Needles didn't really look or sound like Michelle Visage.

I got the feeling Nina didn't care that much. She just looked like she was fine hanging out with Tammie.

Maybe she was concerned about slowly losing her mind on television ala LaGanja. More power to her; she doesn't owe us anything, number 1 fan favorite or not.