Kid Dada

RuPaul has brought a contestant to tears by having Michelle as a judge in the first place!

Detox is firmly ensconced in the uncanny valley.

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Also: the fact that the top queens have to decide before they go out on the stage, and actually have to carry physical evidence of that decision, means I'm willing to bet that, dollars to donuts, Ru already knows that decision before the queens even begin to lip sync. I don't see her leaving it to the whims of the

In the finale, they will straight up murder each other in the jungle. The survivor will then be ritually decapitated by Ru on an altar to Cthulhu while lip syncing to Smash Mouth's "All Star," and Michelle will take her natural form of a buzzard and gleefully feast on the remains.

Can I just say: I was watching the last episode of All Stars season 1, waiting for this to come on, and I forgot just how much of a wet fart the ending was. A tired lip sync to a bad remix of a bad RuPaul song, and a perfunctory crowning of Chad Michaels. If we have to have the eliminated queens casting judgement on

It needs to be fully covered. Like Willam's beard.

Her Ru-grets videos that followed each episode of season 7 were what did it for me. She didn't sparkle that much on the show, but those videos made it clear that she was the queen for the masses. (Or at least this mass.)

A rusted lamp post could have easily taken Pearl's place, and I would have been more excited.

The only time i ever hear anyone bitch about it is on here. I bought the comic initially on the strength of her art, and her art suits the book completely. If you don't like the art, don't buy the book, and shut the fuck up.

I have a pet theory that a lot of the queens identified as being particularly shady present themselves on the show the same way they do in bars and clubs. In a bar or club, you can talk shit and get away with it; it's part of the act, the audience and other queens respond, it's all good. The intimacy of television

I just hope that the clown shows up again in All Stars 2.

Next season, they'll wheel out a big box after they've introduced all the queens, and the Shade Tree will pop out screaming, "I'm back, bitches!"

Her and Willam seem to have fared the best for not having won their seasons. And I'm OK with that, since the people who did win their seasons ended up toothless and dull.

Believe it or not, Drag Race isn't the national obsession it deserves to be.

Catering to a variety of fetishes!

If Ru wants to jeopardize Kim's relationship with her mother for a canned emotional moment of TV, well then fuck RuPaul and her feel-good platitudes.

Yeah, but the final song will probably be a RuPaul song, which wouldn't seem to lend itself to plant.

No queen has EVER won without lip-syncing, and it has been several seasons since they got to the top three without doing it. And the final challenge is always the video challenge, lip sync and choreography.

At the same time, Kim not lip syncing all season is pretty conspicuous; she isn't getting to the final three without lip-syncing. My assumption is that she will have to in the next episode, and that she will be sent home on that. I love Kim and she was my favorite coming into the season, but if she isn't going to win