Kid Dada

Great, now we have an arms race of douchiness between Franco and Leto to look forward to.

Clapton is dog.

"someone" = everyone

You paying?

Why the hell is it 5 dollars though? I want to read it, but I cannot justify that much money on a single issue, no matter who is writing it.

The Schadenfreude Club strikes again!

Fun for the whole family!

Cloak will be played by a white blond man named Chris.

Exactly, I think she will be an audience favorite who will show a marked improvement but will be eliminated by the Top 3.

I would rather have the queens collectively decide to dress up as the 1985 Chicago Bears than ever have to watch another clueless queen insist they can make Lady Gaga funny.

When she finally has sex, a curse laid upon her by the villainous Mutter will turn her into a fish, at which point the show will become "Jane the Sturgeon".

But Michigan's the Harvard of the Midwest, so by the transitive properties of university equivalency…

Hey, Sleeze is a world-class auteur and someday his critical re-appraisal will come!

Which makes sense, since Banksy has all the depth of an editorial cartoonist for a high school newspaper.

Olivia de Havilland or GTFO.

If there's one thing Serenity taught me, it's that the cancellation was probably the best thing that could have happened to Firefly.

Does that mean I'll be making 80K in 33 years? ::starts singing "We're in the Money"::

Yay, more white men.

Sure, and if we happen to make out afterwards… I'd be OK with that.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, then. I don't think anything she's said or done rises to the level of negativity that other people seem to see. And I think she's talented, even though her style of drag isn't really my favorite.