Kid Dada

I see people bitching about Ginger and my first thought is, Would they be talking about her like this if she looked like Pearl? I have seen nothing from her that approaches the sort of toxic bullshit we saw from PhiPhi, Roxxxy, or Darienne, but people keep talking about how bitter she is. I, for one, would be quite

I was always happy to see Adore on the show, because regardless of what the challenge was, she seemed to go for it enthusiastically. She was fun to watch, and I seem to have a higher tolerance for shitty wigs than a lot of viewers.

That was my point, although I choose words unrightly.

And the short story that it's based on is even older than me.

My god, it's full of stars…

Even if you were his friend, you wouldn't be for very long: at the slightest provocation, he would send you a picture postcard with just the word "VILE" written on it, and you would know it was over.

Katya has already won as many challenges as Pandora and Jujubee COMBINED.

I can see it now: a scene with Mole, Buffy, and the ghost of Mole's severed penis.

No woman is safe when Joss Whedon writes an episode! You can tell he's a feminist by all the good female characters he wrote and then killed.

Whereas I find any episode without June to be kind of tedious. I find her calmness neccessary with Zooks and Scheer yelling at me all the time.

They may not be his best work, but both those books are among my favorites. My leeriness of The Demon was pretty much because it seemed so outside where Kirby's interests seem to lie. I will say that I think that his work when he returns to Marvel definitely has never really interested me too much, because it seems

Kirby's The Demon. I have never just read it all, because it seems like something Kirby did a little half-heartedly after The Fourth World books died on the vine. But I found a lot to like about the books. I like that Jason Blood and Glenda have a sort of romantic comedy thing going on. Harry Matthews and Randu

That made me love Jaidynn even more.

Ginger was also expecting Ginger to win again!

Jaidynn might be my favorite queen this season, aside from Katya.

Yes, you have my sympathy.

I would, but my afternoon is tied up with curing cancer.

What if they aren't funny? Are they still jokes then?

I think he would certainly agree with you.

1) I think anything Ging says in the interview segments, she would say to their faces. There is none of the furtive backstabbing of Darienne. 2) She's actually funny, so…