Kid Dada

Last week everyone was going on about how Ginj is this season's Darienne Lake, which I have no idea how that connection was made. Apparently any time a big girl comes up with a catty remark, she'll now be like Darienne Lake.

This season blows, and I put that on the show itself as much as I do the queens.

Yes, where is my gay soap opera set in Boise, ID?

I do not give a shit about seeing the queens "interpreting" the original artist. Just work with the song that you're lip-syncing to. Move. Do something. ENTERTAIN ME.

Exactly. Pearl has been underwhelming throughout the competition so far, to the point of having Ru yelling at her to wake up, and there is no reason to justify her winning that lip sync except that RuPaul sees more story possibilities with her, rather than Trixie.

Origin stories are a scourge, and I blame Batman: Year One. They should be perfunctory, bashed out in a page or two to set up the status quo, instead of trying to be a six-issue epic that can fill a collection.

Gretchen, stop trying to make The Inhumans happen!

My Dirty Dumb Eyes by Lisa Hanawalt: I actually requested that my library buy this, which I'm kinda nervous about, because it's a bit racier than I was expecting. I'm sure if any parents see the picture of her getting an egg beater to her genitals, we'll get complaints about the material. But I'm definitely glad I

Or go back in time and quit a couple seasons ago.

When Kylie tells me that my disco NEEDS me, I totally believe her.

Oh, I have read them before, although even then, it never quite gelled. Mostly what I remember is perv Xavier pining for Jean; them being dicks to the Blob; and Unus the Untouchable, because his name is almost anus!

I recently had an X-Men jones, but I just started with Giant-Size no. 1. The X-Men as they are now — the X-Men that actually successfully used the concept — started there. I feel no obligation to read a run if I'm not enjoying it. And that run of X-Men is BRUTAL.

If it got rid of Santino, it could never be called excessive. Now who's up for deep-frying Visage?

I thought Tempest's entrance was certainly more successful than any of the other queens who arrived with props. I suspect she would have been more impressive if the episode was the traditional ridiculous sewing challenge, rather than a dumb advertisement for RuPaul's latest mediocre album.

I read both Spider-Gwen and Silk this week, not being a fan of Spider-Man at all, not having read Spiderverse, just as someone who is interested in supporting more titles with female characters. I liked Silk a lot: it did a good job of getting me up to speed with what is going on, I think it set up her background and

I bought it during the Marvel BOGO sale on Comixology, because I liked the logo and her costume design — yes, I'm shallow — and I was really pleased with it. Like you, i don't follow Spider-Man at all, but I didn't have a problem catching up with the basics. The character is likable, she has clear and understandable

Like a decomposing zombie shambling across the nation, greedily devouring the money of the nostalgic middle-aged, and the young hipsters who hope to at least catch a glimpse of something that no longer exists.

You'll love their new album, "Mumford and Sons… After Dark!"

The X-Men?? That group is basically one long mutant orgy of dating.

My brother used to have our dog make bowl predictions in just this manner. If memory serves, she usually did pretty well.