Kid Dada

"Male-female anal sex bears"?

I expect a consulting credit!

Maybe they need to investigate offering these books digitally first. I am much more willing to try out an unusual title that Monkeybrain puts out, because I know if I end up not liking it, I'm usually out 1.99 at the most. And I am willing to buy DC's current digital titles when a creative team really intrigues me —

Is it just me, or does Battleworld just sound like the set-up for a MMORPG? It sounds very video game to me.

15 years from now she'll be in skinny jeans and Uggs!

One of Dan Didio's many fetishes.

I think the New 52 was a good idea, I just don't think it was executed well at all. I got the impression that the writers and artists had no story to tell with the characters they were using: it felt like the creators were given an assignment and told to do whatever they could within the limitations editorial set up.

While you are probably right, mirrorball roller-skating Dazzler is the best Dazzler of them all.

Hey, I'm a 41 year old man, and I'm on Tumblr. I am down with the youngsters!

Blue Beetle also made the mistake of basically retelling the story of the character from the previous, much better series. All the energy was gone, and it just seemed like work to read.


If there are more than two girls, it gets too hard to tell them apart.

"You know that actor that you all like? He will be in everything until you just can't stand looking at his adorable face anymore. He will have more franchises going than McDonald's. WE WILL MAKE YOU HATE HIM!!"

Then maybe these books just aren't for you. Personally I've loved Erica Henderson's art for a while now.

Finally read X-Men Legacy vol. 2, after it had been recommended to me by a number of friends, and was not disappointed. It had the sort of weirdness that I liked in the latest Dial H series or Morrison's Doom Patrol, and I really liked the art. Initially I was put off by the fact that it was so far from the Marvel

I started out reading X-Men in the early 1980s. Part of the thrill was to sort of piece together their history: what was Phoenix? Why does Carol Danvers hate Rogue so bad? Why doesn't EVERYBODY think that Professor X is a jerk, when it is so completely obvious?

Make the studios fight… TO THE DEATH!!!

The times I laugh hardest are always in response to Raphael. When I started listening to it, she seemed like the weakest link, but I think that's just because she wasn't constantly yelling the phrase "next level bonkers."

Why is Grace Jones killing clowns? Is this non-fiction?

Whenever I need a pick me up, I listen to her singing "Don't Come Back." I love it so much!