Kid Dada

I read the first three issues of Nightworld, which I'm liking a lot: it sticks the landing between wise-cracking superheroics and moments that play like something out of Edgar Allan Poe. The Kirby-esque art is great, but also has something of its own personality going on, as well. I'm digging it, as well of the

Please let him have laser claws.

I've never understood that. If he can regrow from a single cell, wouldn't the Marvel Universe be overrun by Logans that regrew from all the blood and skin cells shed in his century plus of life? Is that how he can be in so many comics at once?

Seconded. As someone who really doesn't want his physical collection to grow that much, it's been extremely nice. I just wish that the backissue runs that they have were a bit more thorough.

The thing with Jean is that resurrection is literally built into her character; it's not if she'll come back, but when. And I'm fine with that.

So you are saying it was even more useless than I had ever imagined? Great.

They also got married.

The one I was thinking of was Age of X, which, UGH. I still have no clue what that was about. But yeah, there were also crossovers with Exiled, Fear Itself, Second Coming, Siege, and Necrosha. For a series that only lasted 50 issues, that seems really excessive. (And JIM is definitely on my list of things to read.)

Yeah, I've been reading a bunch of recent-ish X-titles, and it really was glaring. Particularly bad was the most recent New Mutants title: there was a significant stretch of issues where the New Mutants were minor characters in their own title while some alternate reality event I didn't even remember was going on. I

That's exactly my problem with crossovers. I tend to read the less mainstream (by which I mean, less popular) Marvel titles, so when the events suddenly tie in to one of them, I am completely lost. It hadn't been a problem for a long time, and then suddenly last week, apropos of nothing, All New X-Factor wasted an

Yes! All my coworkers have crushes on Comberbeach; I have a crush on Ken Watanabe.

30 Rock was in no way realistic.

How much is that him, and how much is that "fat slob eats all the time" piss-poor writing? It feels like they're writing for Adam Pally, but you could get away with that shit with him because he's TV fat. Gemberling is IRL fat (as, in all fairness, am I), so it just feels like the laziest angle possible for the

That's exactly what I was thinking reading this article: it seems to be functioning under the belief that Messina is homely, but I sure as hell wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers.

Mark Millar licks goats.

If the comics came with cocaine, I would be all for it. "*snort* Bring on Millennium 2! Legends 2!! BRING ON SECRET WARS 2 2!!!"

I wasn't aware that that was something he did. I thought that was David Goyer who did that, calling her Slut-Hulk and shit.

I have not. Is it worth checking out?

I finished up Peter David's previous X-Factor series, and have become completely devoted to Monet St. Croix. It was a good series, with pretty solid art and good character work, although if I had been reading the individual issues, I probably would have become incredibly frustrated by how fast they read. I have also

It would have been funnier if the bandaids didn't match Adam Pally's skin tone so closely. Should have used Sesame Street bandaids.