Kid Dada

I found it disappointing as well, particularly since my hopes got so high after the release of "Get Lucky." That song hit all the right buttons for me, the sort of dance music that hadn't really been common since I was a kid. And then the album comes out and it feels limp and not represented well at all by the single:

Or Bonnie! While I'm loath to make the show even more lily white than it already is, it's felt like they've been struggling with what to do with her for a long time. I did love that last scene, but at a certain point it just feels like the show runners are trying to keep all the actors gainfully employed.

Where is the sexual assault and random decapitations? It's like they aren't even trying anymore!

Stefan is dealing with Damon's death by becoming James Marshall in the second season of Twin Peaks. There is nothing more tragic than that.

Community fans are "smarter-than-average people"?

Why is Jude Law playing Annie?

Tilda Swinton as every single X-Man.

And Tilda Swinton as Andre.

Dance music is long and repetitive, but the best dance music isn't necessarily boring. I always have the experience of an LCD Soundsystem song coming on, and thinking, Oh, I think I like this. And then two minutes later I turn it off, because it just doesn't seem to go anywhere. It feels less like dance music to me,

Is that all there is to a biopic?

For her next single, she'll remake "911 is a Joke" from 911's point of view. Topical and edgy!

Fair enough. At this point I'm not sure I could say how witty it is: it has the accumulated fondness of almost 25 years attached to it for me, so mine is hardly an objective opinion. I might have just had a crush on Chris Eigeman.

Yeah, I actually like his movies because I never have met anyone that speaks like that. Growing up in suburban Detroit, "Metropolitan" was like a breath of fresh air, a stepping stone to Oscar Wilde, Noel Coward, and Jane Austen. I can totally see not liking his movies, but criticizing them for not being realistic

I'm at issue #21, so I still have a couple issues to go yet. But last night I broke it up by reading Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem, which had two delightful little moments: Nightcrawler wearing a Flaming Carrot t-shirt; and the creative team getting hijacked by Kitty and then getting angry at Claremont for writing them all

I recently got Marvel Unlimited, and have been amusing myself by going through Claremont's X-books. Currently I am in the middle of Excalibur, and — I remember reading this book as a kid, and finding it strange and off-putting. I don't think I ever got past the initial Warwolves issues. Reading it now, it is

Call me when they film a comic book property and make it MORE gay!

Pet Shop Boys. Even though they actually did write a musical.

A beautiful Technicolor three-way!

Advocating for weed evidently IS addictive and habit forming.

And besides, no one wants to team up with Willam, and can it really be All Stars without Willam?