Kid Dada

Alaska may be my favorite queen at this point. It's like by not winning, she was able to determine the sort of queen she really wanted to be, and ran with it.

Question: did Magnolia Crawford always act like the Chicken Lady doing a Tammie Brown impression?

It aspires to Rebecca Black-itude, and is found wanting.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Summer Jam of 2014.

I actually really liked their second album a lot., and I liked the EP that was packaged with it, even though it was a bit demo-y. I mean, that album features vocals by the distaff B-52's, Le Tigre, and the Velvelettes, which basically means it was engineered for me to love it.

Oh, I thought you were suggesting that Redmayne was A-list. He may have a wonderful surname, but A-list? I would probably not agree.

This time, he's going to pull the camera so close to the actors faces that all you will be able to see is one anguished pore.

I imagine her swaying through the movie, literally wearing a couple of belts and nothing else, looking high and saying how much she likes Taco Bell.

Wait: this person who I apparently have seen in a movie but have virtually no memory of is A-list? It's nice that we're applying that designation so liberally.

More Josh, please. I'll keep watching as long as he can be relied upon to show up.

Sausage fest.

I hadn't heard about it. That's depressing.

I posted something earlier, and it seems to have gotten lost, but I think that "Darienne as villain" is as much a matter of dramatic music stings and reaction shots that we have no reason to think are directed at anything she is saying. She's basically mumbling soft put-downs under her breath. The show could easily

Even Darienne was laughing at that.

To be a bitch? She knows that, and she's good at it.

Maybe this is penance for last season? When Roxxxy Andrews is your "big" girl, you have some pretty skinny contestants.

My favorite holiday!

THIS. Almost without fail, the queens I am most attached to seem destined to lose, and the ones I like that DO win threaten to become sort of bland emissaries of the RPDR Brand Family of Products — Sharon has lost the ragged edge and wit that made her interesting on the show in the first place. I realize that a lot of

It's funny how Darienne gets the blame for something RuPaul deliberately chose. I'm more sick of people bitching about Darienne than I am of Darienne herself.