Kid Dada

Boy mode. If I saw him at the bar, I am reasonably certain that I would spend the night throwing furtive glances his way, hoping he would notice me.

OK, I'm just watching it now, and…

Wal-Mart? More like Bed Bath & Beyond. If you insist on wearing sheets, at least try to choose an interesting pattern.

I went with a friend to a drag brunch recently, and the audience was primarily straight women at Bachelorette parties. At the end, when we went up onstage to get our picture taken with the queens, one of them exclaimed, "Finally, some gay boys!"

Roxxxy seemed to show genuine remorse for the way she acted by the end, and that bought her a lot of goodwill with me. And although her style of drag isn't my favorite, she put on a good show when I saw her live. Plus, she's still in my top 3 of queens I wouldn't mind making out with.

I realize that Trinity completely blew it, but was there no way that Chaz could politely correct her? I realize that he shouldn't have had to, but it would have made that entire segment substantially less painful to watch.

Latrice. Motherfucking. Royale. There is no reason that a plus size queen has to try to disguise her size with a caftan. I think it's just another example of Darienne being uncomfortable with her body. Which, as a fat gay guy myself, I can totally understand, but sometimes you just want a queen who fucking owns it.

I've always marveled at people's ability to claim how no joke is off limits as long as the joke isn't on them.

That's a full time job!

It is such a minor change. If removing the words from the show makes trans viewers more comfortable while watching it, what the hell is the matter with it? Drag may be punk, but Drag Race is not: it's a commercial venture, and has viewers to consider.

The most recent one I could think of was "Dancing on My Own" in All Stars. But I love the song, and I loved Rujubee, so I might be biased.

Wasn't Michelle bitching about Dela's attitude in the first episode? I think she just hates when people act happy.

The selection of songs seem to get more peculiar as the season goes on, and seems tailor-made to particular contestants. There was no way Latrice was going home miming to "I've Got to Use My Imagination," and there was less chance that Jinxx would go home with "Malambo No. 1."

Also, we've had some REALLY shitty lip syncs based on more recent material. ("Born This Way," anyone?) All the performances that I find really memorable seem to be for songs at least a decade old.

Yeah, I've kind of figured she was a ringer from day one. Although she does not have Willam's personality.

John Waters AND Dolly Parton, on the same ep. MAKE IT HAPPEN RU!


Seriously, that did more to ruin the "illusion of femininity" than anything Milk did. When that seems to be your whole selling point, you would think you would be cannier than that.

Possible ringer? She'll vomit onstage and then she will be mysteriously disqualified from the show. Then we'll all take to social media to pontificate, only to get an incredibly anticlimactic explanation at the finale. LIGHTNING WILL STRIKE TWICE, RUPAUL COMMANDS IT!

I saw that too.