Kid Dada

It read as James St. James to me, but that might just mean "obviously gay, bald, white guy."

Laganja: single-handedly making Jiggly Caliente seem like a more attractive alternative.

I was VERY surprised she got the boot so early, particularly given how many of her talking head segments the show used.

I laughed out loud at that, and that was the moment that I became team Trinity. Also, her (admittedly ridiculous) excitement at the possibility that Beyonce might have recorded a message for her was utterly charming.

Is it wrong that i really hope so?


"Watermelon cantaloupe, carrots and peas, carrots and peas!"

War on Gender: at last a pointless, endless war I can wholeheartedly support!

I love a queen who seems to use Tiresias as a touchstone. Between Milk and Vivacious, I'm seeing a stronger showing for Club Kid drag than we've seen in a while. I am entirely for this development. (I blame Tumblr.)

Because that's what the folks at home are clamoring for: hot Michelle on Santino action!

I didn't say it necessarily WORKS, just that you don't trot it out before we even have a reason to care.

Honestly, did we need to trot out parental issues in the first episode of Untucked? Isn't that the nuclear option for getting the audience on your side? I would have liked someone to toss a drink at someone else before we started in with the "we're all sisters" thing. I'm not feeling LaGanga at all so far.

"Bland it up, people!"

There are few songs that frighten me more than "Driving me Backwards" by Brian Eno.

When I first heard this last year, I actually got angry that the world had hidden it from me for so long. The fact that the song is so strong to begin with, and then to have Mavis and Pops doing their respective things: I just love it. I love them.

Why was there never a NextWave cartoon????

I would happily watch a show call "Big Boo, Little Boo," that would just be the two of them having misadventures around the prison.

In no particular order: Love in a Void, Nicotine Stain, Mirage, Israel, Happy House, Spellbound, Fireworks, Dazzle, Peek-a-boo, The Last Beat of My Heart.

If I get another Bunheads notification, I'm going to knife a bitch. WE GET IT, IT'S DEAD!

Herzog and Lynch: Paranormal Investigators.