Kid Dada

That song single-handedly got me listening to Kylie Minogue, and that is a debt I will never be able to adequately repay.

Was anybody else kind of expecting that Elysium would be their last album? I mean, I'm glad it wasn't, but, given the tone of the album, and the fact that it's title is a reference to the afterlife in Greek mythology, I kind of feared the worst. I certainly did not expect a follow-up less than a year later.

@avclub-d35d0af0d2a70c049bbedcb88e25ef28:disqus "Leaving" is a fantastic song, and was definitely a highlight of the album for me.

Wait, people have bad feelings towards Behavior? The album could have been just "Being Boring" followed a techno re-imagining of Metal Machine Music and it would still probably make it somewhere in my top 50 albums of all time.

@avclub-d35d0af0d2a70c049bbedcb88e25ef28:disqus I've noticed (ever since at least Bilingual) that PSB albums will be reviewed very well when they come out, but by the time the next album comes out, those albums will be mentioned less than positively.  That said, I wasn't particularly enamored by Elysium. This is

Maeby woulda' spun that shit into gold, I tell ya!

Surely you mean Jorts Wheaton?

The only thing to commend the musical is Bea Arthur. I watched it in high school because our school was putting on the musical, and watching it was physically painful.

Actually, I feel similarly about Volver: it's one I return to again and again.  I enjoyed Bad Education in the theater, but don't find myself compelled to watch it again, for whatever reason.  And I seem to be the only person who didn't really like Talk to Her.

I wrote a sestina titled "Prisonwine's Apartment."

(Not Bruce Vilanch, though.)

Literally EVERY queen that has competed on drag race is a hotter man than Santino. Including the transgender women, and, what the hell, Michelle Visage's breasts.

@avclub-906c7d944360502c511b1b97c4c463c3:disqus And if one of the younger drag queens is a particularly quick study, or comes off as particularly engaging on television, they could eventually compete in Drag Race.  It'd be like the minor leagues for drag.

What can I say? I'm a people-pleaser.  I'm like a big gay Labradoodle.

Between the two of them, they definitely had my favorite looks of the night.

It helps that the original song is fantastic.

As far as Leigh Bowery homages go, I think Raja did it better at last year's reunion show.

African mayonnaise, African mayonnaise, African mayonnaise.

Also, seriously, you guys are the best. Even when the show sucks *koff* ALL STARS *koff* I can rely on you folks to dredge comedy gold from the offal. There has not been a week where I haven't laughed out loud at something someone says here.

Mimi Imfurst must be shaking with jealousy at her edit right now.