Kid Dada

I love that Alaska immediately went to Tennessee Williams' greatest hits in an effort to make herself cry.

In Coco's mind, Ru and her actually are best friends.

I thought she was a lesbian too, although I might have mixed her up with Phranc.

Wrong, the worst judge is ALWAYS Jeffry Moran.

How about watching showboating assholes fellate each other? It's mandatory orgy time on Untucked! RUPAUL DEMANDS IT!

LIES AND SLANDER!! If being gay hasn't improved my ability to generate a witty riposte, then I'm not sure what the point is!

I admit, I got misty-eyed at that. They are a cute couple.

If Coco and Roxxxy don't understand your drag, you should wear that as a badge of honor.  Maybe that's why she keeps talking about it: she's not complaining, she's boasting.

Even Gore Vidal's kissed more boys than I ever have!

There isn't a snowballs chance in hell that the show is letting Coco and Alyssa leave the show without lipsyncing against each other.

A chicken, not a rooster.

I say this pretty much every week, but you folks are awesome.


What if the season ends and we find out that Jinkx was this season's villain the whole time, and she goes all Dark Willow on us?

Me too, but only if that meant she could no longer act as judge on RPDR.

I always took it as like an audition tape for Drag U, which I hate because it's all reaffirming the stereotype of the magical gay man itching to give his straight girl friend's a fabulous make over.

White smoke rises from the Sistine Chapel: a new pope has been selected.  Michelle Visage's breasts are now to be addressed as Pope Fish the First.

I'm a librarian, and they make me sit at the reference desk for 25 hours a week. That being said, I do my best to ignore people so I don't have to talk to them, so your point still stands.

Hint: because it's a fun read.

I am heartened that this article has over 500 comments in a matter of hours.  Not heartened enough to read the comments, but still.