Kid Dada

To use examples that Morrissey would recognize: Joe Orton was killed by his lover, Joe Meek killed his landlady and then himself, and then of course there's always Ronnie Kray.

I smell spin-off!

HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. As I was watching that, all the hairs on my arm stood up. Granted, I adore the song but god damn, I love Jinkx.

To be fair, when I think of laughing fish, I think of the Joker, so maybe they should stick to what they know.

I think Michelle drew the short straw, and is the designated villain of this season.  Maybe Santino decided to keep his head down and let her take all the heat for criticizing Jinkx.

Good looking, personality of Teflon? Signs point to yes.

Pam Grier is my favorite suggestion so far. That would be fantastic.

I can already tell you: Nina Flowers would win.

Also: you win this particular game by MAKING RU LAUGH. That's the goal, and the winners in past seasons have managed to do just that. As long as Ru gets the joke, I don't give a shit how obscure the character is, you're golden.

Eventually someone is going to end up doing Jiggly Caliente as Snookie as their Snatch Game character, and then Drag Race will become a recursive loop of smoosh smoosh.

Ru doesn't need to be critical: that's why he has those two nattering away. And I honestly think he is going to send home whoever he wants, regardless of what the Wondertwins complain about.

Every time she talks I want to hug her. She always sounds like she's on the cusp of tears.

I renew my call to jettison Coco and Alyssa into space.  Both were more tiresome this episode (and Untucked) than in any episode since the first, and I am just done. Coco: you're 40 years old, if you don't know who Little Edie is, that shit's on you.

I have no problem having an unlikable person winning this competition, as long as they have some talent and are not a complete idiot.

Only assholes would be against this idea.

Baby goats are adorable, especially when they're jumping around and trying to eat your pants.

This episode may be lame, but that talking goat is kind of a delightfully creepy detail.

Except that Pandora was already being read for her outfits by Santino by this point in the season, because all of her outfits were dull. You can say a lot of things about Jinkx's outfits, but they haven't been dull: I cannot imagine Pandora wearing anything like the Marie Aquanet outfit Jinkx did last episode.

As somebody who kind of defended PhiPhi last year: fuck Serena. "Read a book"? You know what did her in? Hubris! Overweening pride. The smartest queens on Drag Race don't have to talk about how smart they are, because you SEE how smart they are, in how they dress and perform. She was never as interesting as she

"Joke account" would suggest that it's funny.