Kid Canada

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

Uhh yeah that’s why I suck at my job too!

Christ guys, are you trying to hand West Virginia and Arkansas to Trump!?

What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.

in memoriam, all flags will be flown at half mast\half lemonade.

Title Nein

It’s really got to be hard to be your father’s second choice for a date.

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

Makes sense that the Rams would wear white, seeing as they haven’t scored yet.

Don’t dress like a slut. You’re playing Baylor for Christ's sake.

Cut Joyce a break. This is, like, his first mistake out there.

Fully extension on the juji gatame is no joke. Her arm would pop a capsule in a few more seconds.

If you play this video in reverse, you have Dion Waiters’ day.

Whew. I feel much better knowing Harden won’t have to defend anything here.

pr0FF3ss0r_F4rnsw0rth: the only ji man i chois is the original ji man himselfs, thats right jisus christ


Lawyer: We’re going to get to the bottom of this.