Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

Matt Groening established rules for how the strangling was meant to be handled on the show that later writers eventually drifted away from. The strangulation always had to be impulsive, never premeditated. It had to be brief and Bart always had to escape, outwit Homer, or strangle Homer back. And I think the final

I mean, 1996 and 1997 took care of two of those options already.

This makes sense because it was very expensive to print the DVD to spin in the opposite direction 

Of course AMC wouldn’t care about losing out on some money because they’re getting funded by George Soros selling cocaine to the White House (that’s right...WHITE...they put that clue right out in front of us, that’s how evil they are). Plus obviously AMC is in on it, because those with wisdom will realize that AMC

Looks like the Solar Opposites are going to CAA to get a new Corvo!

Mr. Fraser insists that, moving forward, he will watch out for that tree.

No just his last two things. And that’s why he wants to prove he isn’t a one trick pony.

Boo to the parents who botched naming their kid Shawn Paul, instead of Sean Paul.

Simpsons did it.

I think we have officially and unequivocally reached the apex of outrage culture with this one.

Next up: “White coaches really shouldn’t look their black players in the eye during a game.”

Foster care? Well of course they are out of control.

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

Hopefully this will finally kill the “Disney does live-action reboots of classic films, including most of the Disney Renaissance” genre for good. The Jungle Book was quite impressive, but since them it seems to be getting diminishing returns.

Please, do you really think we want him here at The North Dakota State University? He’s a good coach but he’s also got way too many issues for us.

When I watched this one, I bugged me so hard that I couldn’t peg down where I heard Susmita’s voice before. Now I know that she’s the voice of Hollyhock from Bojack Horseman!

The fact that this review failed to mention Gene singing “Alone” by Heart is blasphemy. I’ve found myself rewatching that part at least a dozen times.

Here’s a question I want answered. Apparently there was a reference to a Daniels in the precient in the pilot episode (as a presumed detective). Whatever happened to Daniels?

Crawford would be a good choice, plus it gives the world more Alison Tolman, which is always a plus. I could see her trying to force Hitchcock and Scully into retirement however, which would cause (presumeably) conflict with the rest of the 9-9.

True, but at the same time, Gina will likely be with him, and they have some solid chemistry.