Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

This was probably one of the best wedding episodes on tv, mostly because of how well it used some of the old classic tv tropes about weddings going wrong but didn’t actually cause a derailment.

I’ll be honest, reading this news after watching what seemed like Seth’s “I’m done” moment last night is kind of disheartening. I still enjoy Family Guy, but hell, I can’t remember the last time I wanted to watch a new episode more than once.

At first, I wanted to come here to comment on how I wanted more task force if it meant more Brett Booth (and more Kiv, the underutilized comedic talent of The Lonely Island). However, the more I think about it, the more I hope they avoid the task force, as it would bring up too much rememberance from last season’s

I’m admittedly baffled at everyone here who says “Oh, the only two good parts this week are Weekend Update and the cold open.” Personally, I loved all of Donald’s sketches. The lawyer sketch, as well as the Raz P. Berry one, felt like sketches he’s been holding onto since Derrick Comedy, but finally got a chance to

I know it was a small moment in the episode, but the “Jake tried to smash the two-way mirror with the chair only to bounce back in his face gag” was not only hilarious, but made me remember the other great gag of the interrogation room, where Boyle tries to smash a plate only for it to bounce up and nail him in the

As a white male, I would not be opposed to two out of those three options. And, if it’s anyone but Natalie Portman playing Jane, then it’s all good with me. Her in that role just felt awkward and forced.

For anyone watching this show on Hulu, the first three episodes are on there.